Dear Representative Spillane:

I would agree with you that the current laws surrounding annual vehicle inspection stickers in New Hampshire could definitely use some “modifications”, so to speak, I think we do need to have some safety measures in place for the protection of pedestrians and other motorists on our state’s streets and highways.

It’s bad enough that it is NOT a requirement for a NH resident to have insurance on their vehicle(s), I think we definitely need some type of assurances that the vehicle we’re driving alongside, or passing by, have well maintained brakes, tires, lights, windshield wipers, horn, etc.

I do feel, however, that some of these vehicle maintenance facilities that distribute vehicle inspection stickers ought to be seriously investigated and better regulated by government officials, such as yourself. Several years ago, I personally experienced this situation when one of these shyster facilities in Hudson, screwed me over for “supposedly” needing four (4) brand new tires due to the fact that just one of my tires had microscopic cracks in the sidewall. To read more details of my particular situation, log onto this link:


So in the event Mr. Spillane that your fellow legislators don’t support your recent (or current) proposal to completely eliminate the annual vehicle inspection stickers, would you respectfully consider amending (or resubmitting) your Bill to include the following:

1) Right to Appeal a Failure: So if a motorist goes to one of these facilities during their Birthday month, and the vehicle winds up being “Failed” – What options does that motorist have? If they tried to take the maintenance facility to Small Claims Court, you probably won’t get a case scheduled for about 4-5 months down the road (at least in the Nashua area). By that time, your inspection sticker will have long expired and you’ll be driving your vehicle illegally – is that fair? In my particular situation with Monro Muffler, they ONLY told me that they could put four new tires on my car, right then and there, for a mere $600 or so. They NEVER informed me of any right I may have had to appeal its decision to Fail my car. Perhaps New Hampshire should initiate a new Court system specifically to hear appeals on vehicle inspection sticker “failures”.

2) Right to a Second Opinion (or, why is a “Failure” locked into a computer network system?): When I had “failed” on my inspection sticker with Monro Muffler, I discovered it had entered my vehicle into a computer network (or Red Flagged it) stating the reason why they failed it – What authorized these shysters to do that? Why couldn’t I have the opportunity to have another “certified” NH facility to view my car and see if they too would agree that it “required” to get four brand new tires? It just seems like the State Rep who originally designed the legislation governing annual inspection stickers actually owned one of these vehicle maintenance facilities, knowing that they’d pocket a ton of money in the long run.

3) Why can’t the annual inspection sticker fee be just ONE STATEWIDE DOLLAR AMOUNT?: After talking to numerous Granite Staters about how I got ripped-off from Monro Muffler on my inspection sticker several years back, everybody then advised me to stay the heck away from car dealerships, and chain maintenance franchises, like Monro Muffler, which more often than not, seem to offer inspection stickers for like $10 or less – but then these rip-off artists are more inclined to “Fail” you for the most trivial type things and you’ll find yourself owing several hundred, maybe even several thousand, dollars just to get an inspection sticker. So why not put ALL “certified” NH vehicle inspection sticker facilities on the SAME LEVEL PLAYING FIELD when it comes to the price of these things? If nothing else, it’ll help NH resident from being unwittingly lured into a facility offering a lower price but, realistically, setting them up for a royal screwing.

Hey, don’t get me wrong, Rep. Spillane, if you’re successful on your bid to totally eliminate annual NH vehicle inspection stickers, that’ll work just fine for me as well. I’ll personally do anything and everything to keep my own vehicle safe and protective for me and my family, as well as pedestrians and other motorists. And, of course, keep a close eye on other motorists who might be driving on bad brakes or flimsy tail lights.

But if you need to do a little politicking or compromising to get your Bill through, I sure hope you consider some, if not all, of my suggestions here. Good luck, sir, and I’ll be carefully watching how this Bill proceeds through our State legislature.