
New England Patriot quarterback Tom Brady



Former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling

So the Boston Red Sox recently won its fourth World Series baseball championship – most thus far in the 21st century – and I can’t help but feel sort of bittersweet about this particular title victory.

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love all the Boston professional sports teams and as of about 20 years ago, I was concerned if I was ever going to witness an actual Red Sox major league title in my lifetime. Prior to winning the World Series in 2004, the Red Sox hadn’t won the baseball championship since 1918. Currently, I’m about five years from my full retirement age according to the Department of Social Security.

The reason for my “bittersweet” feelings towards the Boston Red Sox this time around came after watching the ceremonial First Pitch just prior to Game 2 of the World Series between the Red Sox and the Los Angeles Dodgers of the National League. Since the Red Sox hosted the game at Fenway Park, several members from the ’04 championship team were there with the obvious exception of one member – pitching ace, Curt Schilling.

It was reported in the local media that the Red Sox never invited Schilling to participate in the Game 2 First Pitch ceremony due to the fact that Schilling happens to be a very staunch public supporter of President Donald Trump and there was a possibility that he could walk out onto the infield of Fenway Park wearing a “Make America Great Again” ball cap – Heaven forbid!!!

If Donald Trump is supposedly “the Second Coming of Adolf Hitler”, where’s all the Mountains and Mountains of Evidence that this is even remotely true? Why does the sports media reporters now make it a Federal case every single time a team wins a National or Collegiate championship on whether or not they choose to actually go to the White House in Washington D.C., and meet with the President – which has been a historic tradition for many, many years? If an athlete does choose to go to the White House, why do the supposedly “objective” reporters twist their stories to sound like these champions are now fully supporting all the policies of President Trump?

I’ve said it before in my small social circles of friends, it seems like most of the Democrats are still “licking their wounds” from two years ago and still haven’t gotten over the fact that Donald Trump won the Presidential election while their favorite gal, Hillary Clinton, lost it.

Get over it!

Getting back to the Red Sox, the truth to the matter is that it probably never would’ve won the World Series in either ’04 or ’07 without the pitching expertise of Curt Schilling. In ’04 for example, can anybody cite a more courageous athletic effort than Schilling had against the New York Yankees in that year’s American League Championship Series? Amazingly down 3-0 to the ‘Bronx Bombers’, Schilling pitched with a severed tendon in his Achilles heel – the “bloody sock” – and helped the Sox win the next four games to become American League champs.

And now here we are, 14 years later, and the ungrateful Red Sox are basically saying to Schilling – “We can’t have you representing our team if you publicly choose to support the President of the United States, Donald Trump.” What a piss poor organization! What difference would it make if Schilling came out to the Pitcher’s Mound for the First Pitch ceremony wearing a “Make America Great Again” ball cap, or a pointed hat with a Pinwheel on top? How would wearing either apparel item last week in the most recent World Series negate Schilling’s heroic contribution to the Red Sox back in ’04?

The ONLY thing that could prove more pathetic than the aforementioned paragraph would be if Schilling gets deliberately passed over for possible induction in the Baseball Hall of Fame solely because of his public support of President Trump.

As you might’ve already guessed, Schilling is not the only professional athlete out of Boston (or ultra-Democrat Massachusetts) to publicly support President Trump. Predicted first ballot football Hall of Famer Tom Brady, also publicly stated that he supports President Trump. Apparently, the two had met in celebrity social circles, became close friends, before Trump ever ran for President. Although Brady has some time to go before he’s even eligible to be inducted into the Football Hall of Fame, it’ll be interesting to see if some of the ignorant Democrat politicians of Massachusetts will try to snub Brady from such an honor.

Aside from arguably the greatest professional quarterback of all time in jeopardy from making the Hall of Fame supposedly because of his political support, the arguably greatest pro football coach of all time also might have problems getting any respect from the Hall of Fame crowd since he’s also a big supporter of President Trump. New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick appears to be extremely supportive of our current U.S. President.

I cannot fathom Brady and Belichick being denied entry into the Football Hall of Fame due to their staunch support of President Trump. Among the “outstanding” members of that same Football Hall of Fame is none other than O.J. Simpson – an alleged double murderer. Which is worse? What the hell’s the “moral standard” for being inducted into either the Baseball or Football Hall of Fame?

Why can’t we revert back to a time, as an American society, when Politics was Politics, and Sports was Sports? As it so amply states in the Biblical book of 1 Corinthians – If a man (or woman) be Ignorant, let him (or her) be Ignorant.