So you notice a close friend or relative wearing a MAGA (Make America Great Again) hat — most likely, because they support President Donald Trump — would that serve as immediate grounds to simply terminate that friendship? Even if that friendship had hundreds, if not thousands, of fantastic and wonderful moments — maybe over a span of years or decades — you wouldn’t want to replace even if your life depended on it?

Is this ‘just cause’ to de-friend somebody on Facebook?

Even worse, if you caught your spouse ever wearing a MAGA hat or tee shirt, would this immediately prompt you to Divorce that individual?

Needless to say, I’ve got to agree 110 percent with blogger Matt Christiansen’s aforementioned video on this particular topic.

Have you ever noticed some of these Liberal Lunatics who like to claim President Trump is a: Racist, Sexist, Homophobe, etc., never can produce one shred of evidence to back up their statement(s)? Personally, I think if you were to attach a Polygraph (Lie Detector) machine, or inject them with Sodium Penathol (Truth Serum), you’d probably discover that these folks are still bitter over Hillary Clinton LOSING the 2016 Presidential election to Mr. Trump.
