I guess we just added another item to a very long list of blatant advantages Donald Trump has over Joe Biden in this year’s Presidential election: Internet Savvy.

What’s especially pathetic about that is, there are tons of young geniuses around who are extremely IT competent and could easily setup an Internet Podcast with at least the same broadcast quality as any TV show currently on cable or satellite — so what the heck is Biden’s problem?

One thing Trump probably won’t be able to do from now till the Election is fill up a stadium that seats 100K for one of his campaign rallies due to the Coronavirus. If Biden had the right qualified people coordinating his Podcast, he’d have a fantastic shot at being Trump just by hanging around his Basement in Delaware.

But if Biden continues to produce Livestream Podcast like the one in this video, I’d say he doesn’t have a shot in Hell of unseating Trump this November: