Any thoughts about voting, Straight-Ticket Republican on Nov. 3rd? If you need a little convincing, please ask yourself, why the heck would any U.S. Rep or U.S. Senator PUBLICLY ENCOURAGE Riotous behavior in their respective communities?

What’s a more important issue than KEEPING PEOPLE SAFE — That would be, SAFE FROM ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC.

Why the heck should we vote these Shysters into Elected Office, with annual salaries of about $200K, so they can, in turn, screw over me and my property? I don’t think so.

Maybe the Democrats need a couple of Terms OUT OF PUBLIC OFFICE, to think about this for a while.

Bottom Line: Please consider voting Straight-Ticket Republican for: President, U.S. Senator, U.S. Rep, and Governor on Nov. 3rd, to hopefully, Make America Safe Again!