So we’re within four weeks of “The Great Debate” between Joe Biden and Donald Trump and one of my favorite YouTube bloggers, Liberal Hivemind, has made a $1,000 bet with his Dad that Trump will definitely be reelected on Nov. 3rd.

A lot of things about Biden lately can logically draw people to that conclusion. The approximately 20 minute speech Biden made in Pittsburg on Monday was relatively incoherent, had ZERO mention of Antifa or Black Lives Matter, LIED about his previously made comments on Fracking and COVID-19, and then just proceeded to walk away from the Podium without answering any Reporters’ questions.

I guess Biden plans to visit Kenosha, Wisconsin after Labor Day but folks interviewed there said they really didn’t care to see him. Then he has a TV commercial out with Trump walking cautiously down the steel ramp at West Point, while Biden is walking briskly on a regular, flat surface saying, “You’ve got to struggle to keep up with Biden”, that’s hysterical coming from a guy who spend the majority of his candidacy thus far in his own Basement.

As far as the Debate itself, the ONLY way I can foresee Biden coming out of that thing looking, at least, somewhat respectable is if the supposedly unbiased Moderators interfere in the actual discussion on Biden’s behalf. Other than that, I can’t see how Biden will come out of those three debates against Trump without looking absolutely stupid.