This YouTube blogger, Conservative Resurgence has an excellent spin on Biden throwing out a lame excuse to avoid the inevitable embarrassment and humiliation of going up against Donald Trump, one-on-one, in a 90-minute nationally televised debate.

And then after Tuesday night, Biden will get to debate Trump again in two more similar type debates before the Nov. 3rd Election.

Personally, I think Biden will do ANYTHING POSSIBLE to shirk himself from actually facing Trump and OPENLY DISCLOSING HIS DEMENTIA PROBLEM to the whole world. For example, with about 42 days left till the Election, why doesn’t Biden hold Press Conferences with members of the Media asking any questions they want?

Granted, in his last debate with Bernie Sanders, Biden did much better than he did in his earlier debates, but he’s a complete imbecile if he assumes Trump is going to hold back any attacks in this type of candidate’s forum. If Trump didn’t show any Mercy against women like Hillary Clinton or Carly Fiorina four years ago, why would we expect him to hold back against a guy?

Also, a lot of Polls still show Biden with about a 10 point lead over Trump — a poor pathetic showing could reverse that statistic real quick.

Bottom Line: I’ll have my Popcorn and Fresca all set to woof down this Tuesday night, but if for some weird, bizarre reason ‘The Debate’ never quite takes place, I won’t be too disappointed.