Equality vs. Equity — Using the 2021 Super Bowl as an example

Ladies and gentlemen — Do YOU understand the distinction between “Equality” vs “Equity”, according to the latest bullCRAP definition by our beloved ‘Woke community’?

By gauging the score of the most recent Super Bowl from last February, according to an “Equality” system, the Bucs clearly won that game by virtue of the fact that Tampa Bay actually scored more points based on more successful touchdowns and field goals.

HOWEVER, based on “Equity”, the Chiefs clearly won that game because National Football League (NFL) commissioner Roger Goodell awarded Kansas City “Reparation” points because the Chiefs have a Black Quarterback in Patrick Mahomes, while the Bucs have a “snow white” Caucasian quarterback in Tom Brady. And since Brady is a “white guy”, he’s automatically presumed to be both “Racist” and “White Supremacist”.

So does everybody now understand the difference between “Equality” and “Equity”? Does anyone out there feel the Equity system is “unfair”?

For anyone who might’ve answered, “yes” to that last question, please visit your ‘Personnel’ section (or maybe it’s called, ‘Human Resources’ section for YOUR employer) at your particular Employer, and then say you wish to enroll in the next available, ‘Race Relations’ class, because it’s rather obvious that YOU’RE one of the biggest RACIST and WHITE SUPREMACIST on Planet Earth and you certainly need some IMMEDIATE COUNSELING if you wish to SURVIVE, THRIVE and CO-EXIST in this upcoming ‘Woke’ society. GOOD LUCK! Just sayin.