I can only assume things must really suck around Facebook these days especially when President Joe Biden is literally falling apart at the seams over how the American military is supposed to depart the country of Afghanistan on Tuesday, August 31st (2021).

Facebook, if you recall, screwed its own reputation as a media entity the year before (2020) when it claimed the New York Post newspaper Lied about Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, specifically about losing his laptop and having some very incriminating evidence against both Joe and his son.

In this particular case, Facebook attempted to block two of my posted Memes claiming the person in question never actually made the comments it said it made. First we had President Biden, who was then a candidate for President on Oct. 24, 2020 who publicly said on a campaign video: “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive, Voter Fraud organization in the history of American Politics.”

The second Meme which Facebook claimed was a totally fabrication was a quote by the Greek philosopher Socrates, “When the Debate is lost, Slander becomes the Tool of the Losers.”

Now ever since the November 3, 2020 election, many America voters are very sensitive that Biden and his supporters “stole” the election victory from them. But making a Federal case over Socrates — even though the quote in question checks out in ‘Bartletts’ Book of Familiar Quotes‘.