One thing I really Love & Respect about Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg – this guy REALLY has his “Priorities” straight! Take a look, for example, at ALL the reported Crimes in New York City in just the past week leading up to former president Trump’s indictment hearing, which D.A. Bragg chose to put on the proverbial “Back-Burner” just so he could “Screw Over” Trump. Bragg is truly a man after my own Heart, HOWEVER, I thank God that I DO NOT reside in New York City!!!

Correct me if I’m wrong here, but it’s my understanding that “leaking” a copy of the Indictment – all 34 Counts – to media sources, like CNN or the Washington Post, BEFORE the Court Trial begins is “ILLEGAL” and worthy of a District Attorney being Disbarred & facing a Prison sentence himself. So if, ‘nobody is above the Law’, who the heck is holding Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg “accountable” for exploiting the Justice system, which HE was elected to enforce?