Archives for category: 15 minutes of fame
Pathetic little, “Constipated” YouTube blogger Christo Aivalis loves taking ‘cheap shots’ at “Private Citizen” Trump

Pathetic little “Constipated” YouTube blogger Christo Aivalis, apparently didn’t get nearly enough cheap shots at Donald Trump while he was still President, ran a full video recently, showing a Poloroid photo of Trump and claimed he looked horrible, like a Ghost with Dementia. That’s funny, especially looking at photos of Mr. Aivalis, who looks a high school nerd that was just voted by his classmates, “Most Likely to get Bullied”, or maybe, “Most Likely to get Picked On”. Here’s a News Flash for ya, Christo — Donald Trump is no longer President, he’s now a “Private Citizen”. Why not try blogging about stuff that’s actually relevant? You might just have a more popular blog. Just sayin.

YouTube blogger Christo Aivalis appears here as if he’s Constipated or something :
A typical Brain-dead patron of, Christo Aivalis’s YouTube blog

Pathetic little YouTube blogger Christo Aivalis, in his vain attempt for 15 minutes of Fame, apparently loves to flex his puny muscles from behind his Internet keyboard, I assume, in an effort to bring the almighty Donald Trump down to his knees.

One teeny, weeny problem with that — Trump has been removed from the U.S. Presidency for about a week now.

Can you say, “Man Crush”? Aivalis definitely strikes me as the type of guy who genuinely gets off on ‘man crushes’, if you know what I mean.

But the only REAL time there’s ever any spike in any of Aivalis’ blog views is when he posts something about the former President. As a point of disclosure, I tried posting comments to Aivalis’ video, publicly calling this jerk out as a Fraud and a Shyster for trying to exploit a guy who recently lost an election, but he’s obviously not man enough to respond to justified criticism on his own YouTube videos.

Oh well, it’s little imbeciles like Mr. Aivalis that gives Journalism a bad name. Maybe one of these days if Christo can ever get up his, Testicular Fortitude, we might just have a conversation some day. Meanwhile, unfortunately, too many gullible and naive Americans will probably assume Joe Biden is doing a “wonderful” job as President due to the fact that hardly anyone is holding him accountable due to the fact that they’re much too busy screwing over Private Citizen Donald Trump.

The following was the blurb attached on a Facebook post, just next to the aforementioned Meme. The exact same statement can be made about Mr. Aivalis’s YouTube page, basically summing up the whole thing:

ESPECIALLY on YouTube — Ain’t this situation the God’s honest truth??? You’ve got these stupid little peon bloggers who, even AFTER Joe Biden was inaugurated as President, keep on posting these asinine “bombshell” videos claiming Trump just lost a major lawsuit, or, Trump’s wife Melania has filed for Divorce, or, Trump lost a court case and now he’s going to Prison for the rest of his life, or, a Judge just nailed Trump for ‘Contempt of Court’ and he’ll be staying in Prison for an unspecified amount of time, etc. Meanwhile, ZERO video postings regarding Joe Biden and anything going on in his administration — gee, I wonder why? Exactly how stupid do they ASS-U-Me the American voters are?

Little Davey

Okay, so on the one hand, I love to see young people — especially teenagers — get involved and participate in good old fashion American Democracy. HOWEVER, when you start getting downright stupid, like David Hogg falsely accusing the National Rifle Association (NRA) for all the mentally unstable psychopaths illegally obtaining guns and killing large groups of people, OR, FOX News TV show host Laura Ingraham should lose all her advertisers because she “teased” Mr. Hogg about being rejected entry to numerous different (most) colleges he applied to.

I’m sorry that Mr. Hogg, along with his classmates in Parkland Florida, experienced another classmate, Theodore Cruz, go on a shooting (and killing) spree a couple months back. I don’t wish that fate on my worst enemy.

But in all due respect, the “15 Minutes of Fame” have already come and gone for kids like David Hogg and Emma Gonzales — if our Mainstream Media, i.e. CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, Washington Post, New York Times, etc., continue to put these kids on a Pedestal every time they open their mouths & say something, why don’t we AT LEAST hold them accountable for the crap they’re actually spewing out? Just sayin