Archives for category: Alan Dershowitz

Is publicly proclaiming, ‘Get Trump’, a sure-tell sign that America’s Court system is blatantly flawed & just plain BLEEPED up?

Even if you strongly dislike former president Donald Trump, that man is STILL an American citizen who’s entitled to a FAIR & OBJECTIVE Hearing in a Court of Law.

Ask yourself the question as you’re watching this video — Would YOU want this woman, Emily Kohrs to be the, Grand Jury Foreperson in YOUR PERSONAL Court Trial???

There’s just gotta be some type of a more professional Protocol and Decorum than what’s being displayed here in the State of Georgia Court system.

How the BLEEP did America ever sink down to THIS level???

OK, so regardless of how you or I view Donald Trump, the guy was still a former President of the United States. What happened to now, Private Citizen Donald Trump just yesterday, can obviously happen to ANYBODY here in the USA at ANYTIME, regardless of any “PROOF“, “EVIDENCE“, or, “DUE PROCESS” associated with YOUR Specific Circumstances??!!! Is the United States of America STILL the Greatest Pillar of Democracy on the Planet as it was, let’s say about 20 or 30 years ago? After what I saw on TV yesterday, and now reading through this Meme, I’m honestly beginning to wonder.

$64,000 Question: If the U.S. Senate pursues its Impeachment of “Private Citizen” Donald Trump regarding the recent Capitol building fiasco, will Chief Justice Roberts come to the Senate to officiate that Trial?

According to the Constitution, a Supreme Court Chief Justice can ONLY preside for an Impeachment of a President — as of RIGHT NOW, the USA ONLY has One (1) President, and his name is NOT Trump.

If Roberts legally removes himself from this procedure, the Senate could have the Vice President — Kamala Harris — serve to officiate Trump’s Impeachment Trial. So if V.P. Harris has any interest to run for President in 2024, and Trump does too, that should be viewed as a blatant Conflict of Interest and that ought to disqualify her from running, at least against Trump, four years from now.

What a BLEEPIN Mess!

So did the House of Rep’s “Impeachment” against President Donald Trump last week (Trump’s supposed 2nd Impeachment against him) pass the Constitution test — which are the rules governing both the Presidency as well as Congress?

Well, not really, according to famed attorney Alan Dershowitz.

Among other things, President Trump was clearly denied “Due Process” and “Witness Testimony” prior to the House of Representative members taking the Impeachment vote.

Also, if there’s any hope to prevent “Private Citizen” Trump from receiving his Presidential pension, personal protection from the Secret Service, or the opportunity to run again for President in 2024, the U.S. Senate better hurry-up and conduct a hearing and subsequent vote by tomorrow (Wed., 1-20) at Noon, while Trump is STILL our President.

You’d obviously have to go BEYOND our U.S. Constitution to “successfully” Impeach and then subsequently strip a “Private Citizen” of his/her Presidential rights.

Incidentally, as mentioned in this video clip, Atty. Dershowitz is neither a Republican nor a Trump supporter, but he did agree to legally represent Trump during his first Impeachment hearing in the U.S. Senate basically arguing that Trump’s Constitutional rights were being violated.