Archives for category: Annie Kuster
Congresswoman Ann Kuster (NH-02)

Recently, I caught the U.S. Rep debate – which in my case, is New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional district – between incumbent Democrat congresswoman Ann Kuster, and her opponent, Republican challenger Bob Burns. This hour-long televised debate, that I happened to watch on the Internet, was sponsored by New Hampshire Public Radio.

I will say there were some pretty good back-and-forth exchanges between Kuster and Burns, mostly about each others’ campaign contributors and, of course, former president Donald Trump. Even though Trump has been a “Private Citizen” for almost two years now, he still seems to serve as sort of like a, proverbial lightning rod, for any Democrat trying to screw over a Republican.

In the first 20 minutes or so, Kuster was responding to a question and started talking about how our country nearly lost its Democracy via a “coup” on January 6th with Trump leading the charge. She added that it was her understanding that Trump recently endorsed Burns’ candidacy and the two would be standing together on stage here in NH. Burns immediately chimed in and asked, “He is? Did Trump call YOU and say he’d be coming to NH next week?” Then Kuster responded by saying, “well, I assume.”

Unfortunately for Mr. Burns, the Debate Moderators soon broke for their midway break. Since there were probably a lot of things going through Burns’s head at that point, it’s too bad the Republican challenger didn’t publicly ask Kuster when she would have President Biden come to NH and help her on the campaign stump? Biden did claim several times over the past couple months that he’d be more than willing to come out to help campaign with Democrat candidates prior to the Midterm Election.

So with nearly 10 minutes left in the Debate, Kuster probably figured she needed to invoke the name of the “Lightning Rod”, er, I mean, “Private Citizen” Trump at least one more time.

The question was first asked to Mr. Burns about if he thought that White Supremacists were a major problem in the United States. Burns basically said he didn’t think it was too much of a big deal. Then the same question was asked to Kuster, which she opened up about her full January 6th Insurrection rant.

The NH-02 Congresswoman described herself as both a “witness” and a “victim” to the event many of her Democrat colleagues refer to as, “the greatest insurrection in American history since 9/11, or Pearl Harbor.” She claims she was one of about two dozen people who were pinned on the third floor gallery, but made it out by about 30 seconds. The insurrectionists allegedly had “weapons”, and there were law enforcement people who “died” that day.

Kuster went on to say that there were hundreds of people who were brutally wounded at that event, and one of the insurrectionists got a Prison sentence of about seven-and-a-half years for his attack on one of the police officers.

It’s especially pathetic that neither Mr. Burns nor the Debate Moderators asked Kuster any further questions about this January 6th Insurrection.

For example, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi apparently contacted her own daughter to come to the Capitol building and videotape the J6 event for a movie project – If THAT scene was so horrific, WHY the hell would Speaker Pelosi put her own daughter in harm’s way like that?

One of the insurrectionists, Ray Epps, wore military garb, a MAGA hat, and shouted into a bullhorn for insurrectionists to quickly run into the Capitol building on January 6th. Epps was mysteriously NEVER arrested or charged with anything from the FBI. Mr. Epps is also married to one of the Executive Directors of, Dominion Voting Machines – which just happened to be used in the USA for the 2020 Presidential Election. Coincidence? I don’t think so. A couple more things regarding Mr. Epps in this situation — in Trump’s second Impeachment, he was basically charged with “inciting riotous behavior” despite the fact that his speech earlier that day proved the exact opposite. Mr. Epps, on the other hand, was blatant at the Capitol building on January 6th to incite riotous behavior — so WHY wasn’t Mr. Epps ever arrested and charged with anything associated with THAT event? Secondly, did the FBI “set up” any individuals towards staging this “insurrection” in a vain attempt to make Donald Trump look bad leaving the Presidency?

Kuster mentioned during the Debate that the Insurrectionists had “weapons” – what EXACTLY were the weapons confiscated? In reference to the “people who died that day”, Ashli Babbitt, who was an unarmed Trump supporter, was shot and killed by Capitol police lieutenant Michael Byrd who, like Ray Epps — was NEVER Arrested or Charged with anything related to J6. There were 1-2 Capitol police officers who died at that event from either Heart Attack, or Stroke but that’s not construed as “killing” another individual. So this begs the question from Congresswoman Kuster,specifically WHO was she referring to when she’s talking about people who died that day, and people who were brutally injured?

Kuster also mentioned in the Debate, that there was “footage” (I assume, videotape footage) taken of where they were “pinned down” in the Capitol building. When is THAT videotape footage going to be released to the Public? Why not let the American taxpayers decide for themselves just how to gauge J6.

Was President Donald Trump given a “Fair Hearing” by the Congressional January 6th Committee? Was he given “Due Process”, and “Cross Examinations” to his witnesses? Why wasn’t he allowed to be tried before a “jury of his peers”? Why did House Speaker Pelosi hire a former ABC network executive to spike the TV ratings for these hearings? How much money did that former TV executive get paid?

Why does Donald Trump still get a Presidential pension, along with Secret Service protection? After TWO (2) Impeachments, and now this, why isn’t Trump in Prison already?

BOTTOM LINE: For the Democrat Congressional leaders, along with the Liberal Media pundits, to compare the January 6th Insurrection equal to the death and destruction of either 9/11, or Pearl Harbor is nothing more than a farce and a joke. Should a Red Tsunami (Republican majority takeover) occur following the Midterm Election, the sleazy corrupt Democrats will get EXACTLY what they deserve.

So many questions, Annie, so few answers. Hopefully, the voters of NH’s 2nd Congressional District will take this all into consideration when they go to Vote in the Midterm Election on Tuesday, Nov. 8th.

Incumbent Democrat congresswoman Ann Kuster, and Republican challenger Bob Burns get ready for their televised candidate’s debate, for the 2022 Midterm Election in New Hampshire’s Second congressional district (NH-02). This Debate was sponsored by New Hampshire Public Radio.

If you happen to reside in New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional district (NH-02), please check out this 1-hour Debate between incumbent Democrat Ann Kuster, and Republican challenger Bob Burns. It looks like the modern-day version of, King Kong vs. Godzilla. Above everything else, please make it a point to vote in the upcoming Midterm Election on Tuesday, Nov. 8th.

Keene (NH) mayor George Hansel
Convicted January 6th (2021) Insurrectionist (and Keene NH resident) Jason Riddle

Who would be the BEST U.S. Representative coming out of Keene NH — Mayor George Hansel, or Insurrectionist Jason Riddle? Both are Republican, mid 30-something, vying to become the next U.S. Congressman in New Hampshire’s 2nd District (NH-2) to hopefully replace lame duck incumbent Democrat Ann Kuster, and lastly, apparently have the same amount of intellect and eloquence. I can’t wait to see these two on the same Debate stage battling each other!

U.S. Congresswoman Ann McLane Kuster, D, NH-2
U.S. Representative 2022 candidate Jason Riddle, R, NH-2

(The following was published as a, ‘Letter to the Editor’ in the Keene (NH) Sentinel on May 12, 2022. This commentary was submitted by Keene resident Jason Riddle, who’s a 2022 Republican candidate for U.S. Representative in New Hampshire’s 2nd District, NH-2. Mr. Riddle’s letter is in response to a campaign fundraiser emailed out by U.S. Congresswoman Ann Kuster, NH-2, two days earlier on May 10, which Ms. Kuster cited Riddle’s involvement with last year’s January 6th Insurrection, along with the 90-day Prison sentence that he will soon serve. I can only assume that the ‘Note’ published at the bottom of this Letter was authored by one of the Editors from the Keene Sentinel.)

Why would I apologize for Annie Kuster’s actions?, by Jason Riddle

Annie Kuster’s campaign team sent out an email in response to my latest letter to The Sentinel (“I hope the insurrection does better next time,” April 26). In their attempt to solicit more campaign contributions they claim that I showed no remorse for my crimes.

My only question is why would I apologize for a riot she started? It was Annie Kuster and her cronies who stole the 2020 election. She forcibly closed down New Hampshire businesses, schools, and barred families from gathering. She forced us to wear masks and worse, she wants to mandate our health care.

Now, magically, Annie is pretending she never committed these egregious injustices. She distracts her followers from their diminishing freedoms by pandering to their feelings over Roe vs. Wade. I might be an insurrectionist, but at least I’m not a baby-killing election thief.

I will be residing in the minimum-security facility know as Devens FMC in Ayer, Mass. Feel free to write me; we have a lot of work to do. It’s time for Annie Kuster’s last stand, and I’m Chief Crazy Horse.




(Note: As a would-be candidate for Congress ought to know, that body had no role in the state executive actions that closed schools and businesses during the height of the pandemic, nor has it ever barred families from gathering.)

U.S. Rep candidate Jason Riddle is shown here with a Donald Trump impersonator just prior to the January 6th Insurrection in Washington D.C.
U.S Rep Ann Kuster, NH-2

I’m writing in response to Congresswoman Ann Kuster’s campaign fundraiser email, sent out on May 10th, titled, “Insurrectionists for Congress”.

Simply put, U.S. Rep Kuster is publicly calling out Republican Congressional candidate Jason Riddle, who was recently sentenced in Federal court for his actions in last year’s January 6th Insurrection. Specifically, Riddle was sentenced to: 90 days in Prison, financial restitution of about $750, and three (3) years of monthly Probation immediately following the Prison sentence. Since that Sentencing hearing, Mr. Riddle happened to write a, Letter to the Editor, which he submitted to several local publications basically stating, he hopes the next Insurrection does better next time around.

For those unfamiliar with Riddle’s circumstances from January 6th of last year, which earned him an arrest and a Sentencing hearing in Federal court about a month ago, Riddle walked into a Senator’s office while things were getting a little chaotic on the main lobby floor of the Capitol (Congress) building, Riddle proceeded to take a bottle from a Wine rack that was in the office and poured himself a glass. He then pulled out his iPhone and took Selfie photos of himself while drinking the Wine with iconic scenes of the Capitol building in the background. Oh yeah, and then when Riddle was finished with that Wine, he swiped a leather-bound book titled, ‘Senate Procedures(from the same office) and wound up selling it on eBay for about $50.

So now we’ve got Congresswoman Kuster all ‘bent out of shape’ because Riddle has NOT shown any “Remorse” for his actions and therefore the wonderful Voters of New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District should proceed to send a Boatload of Money to HER campaign to ensure that she remains our Congresswoman at least for the foreseeable future.

Funny thing though, in the 2016 Presidential election, Hillary Clinton claimed then (and still claims it today) that the Election was STOLEN from her. In 2018, Stacey Abrams, claimed she won the 2018 Georgia Governor’s race (even though she lost) and that it was STOLEN from her. The January 6th Insurrection was allegedly a protest by Donald Trump supporters against Joe Bidden supposedly winding up with 81 million votes in the 2020 Presidential election (so why don’t those Trump supporters have the same Rights as Secretary Clinton, or Ms. Abrams when it comes to Protesting an Election, or not being “Remorseful”?).

Getting back to Congresswoman Kuster, why aren’t Secretary Clinton and Ms. Abrams in Prison right now for NOT being “Remorseful” and publicly admitting that they lost their last Elections, fair and square???  In her email, Kuster states,…he (Riddle) defends the violence of the January 6th attack…, REALLY ANN??? Can YOU please explain to us all “WHY” the ONLY killing from the Jan. 6th Insurrection (Capitol Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd on his shooting against Ashli Babbitt) has NEVER been publicly addressed before a hearing?

Lastly, as a U.S. Congresswoman, Ms. Kuster has tremendous power to try to change the Law for her Constituents if she or they are not happy with it. For example, why not make it an automatic, ‘Death Penalty’ offense on anyone initiating an “Insurrection” act on a Government facility? I guess the problem here with Ms. Kuster and all her Democrat ilk trying to propose something like this is, what, if anything is the difference between the Jan. 6th attack on the Capitol building or the current protests taking place in front of the residences of our Conservative Supreme Court Justices? I mean, to ask which of these two scenarios is worse, is sort of like asking, which smells worse: cow manure or horse manure?

And, oh yeah, as a Constituent of Congresswoman Kuster, is Jason Riddle’s level of “Remorse”, the absolute biggest fish to fry right now, as in legitimate campaign issues to pursue for the Here and Now? What about trying to lobby President Biden to open up the Keystone Pipeline and give everybody the opportunity to buy affordable gasoline for their vehicles? For the folks that have infants, where can they get an ample supply of Baby Formula so their kids won’t starve to death? When is the price of just about anything coming down? Have there been any illegal aliens flown to NH to reside here since Biden was inaugurated? Since Biden has been inaugurated, has any NH residents overdosed on Fentanyl? Are there any plans to better moderate our Southern Border?

Finally, I sure hope everyone reading this makes it a definite point to vote both in the Primary Election on Sept.13th, and then in the Midterm election on Nov. 8th.

Lily Tang Williams, a Republican candidate for U.S. Representative in NH’s 2nd District (NH-2), was my guest for this episode of ‘Frankly Speaking’. This episode was recorded in the Access Nashua studio on Feb. 9, 2022.

Ms. Williams, who immigrated to the USA from China when she was 24, was trained as a Law school professor in her native country but chose not to pursue a career in the American legal system because she felt her English speaking wasn’t that good. A resident of Weare NH, Williams operates her own business and frequently advocates on various media outlets about many of the human rights atrocities currently taking place in Communist China. She also has her own YouTube account titled, Lily Tang Williams, which she has produced and posted several dozen videos just on this topic.

No stranger to political election campaigns, Williams had an unsuccessful run for U.S. Senate in 2016 in the state of Colorado. In that particular election, Williams ran as a Libertarian candidate.

Since the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing China was taking place at the same time frame as this interview, many of my questions for Williams were geared towards Communist China who many pundits feel might just be America’s #1 rival when it comes to global dominance. I, of course, asked Williams about COVID-19 , and the possibility that that virus originated in a Lab in the city of Wuhan with either bats, or pangolins as the main ingredient.

One of the more interesting questions I asked Williams, in my opinion, was if her husband or three adult-aged children ever urged her to “ease up on the criticisms” regarding Communist China. I’ve got to admit, not only is Ms. Williams apparently blessed with a very loving family, the lady herself has to be one of the most bravest and courageous people involved in politics I’ve ever met in my life. Williams is well aware that she can probably never visit her relatives and friends in China again because of many of the statements she’s made on videos and various media appearances, but also from a fair number of Chinese nationals and allies currently residing in the USA who probably aren’t too happy of what they’ve seen and heard from Ms. Williams thus far.

With that all said, Ms. Williams might be EXACTLY what New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District (NH-2) needs right now to represent them, along with their interests, in Washington D.C. But hey, don’t just take my word for it please watch this episode of ‘Frankly Speaking’, then perhaps log onto her website — and check it all out for yourself.

Dean Poirier, a Republican congressional candidate for NH’s 2nd District, proudly displays his 2nd Amendment tattoo during a recent interview on ‘Frankly Speaking‘ at the Access Nashua TV studio. Poirier, who’s a resident of Concord NH, admitted that he’s often compared to the late Colonel Sanders, probably because of his glasses and goatee. For a credo in his campaign, Poirier is using, SERVICE NOT SELF-INTEREST!!

Republican congressional candidate (NH-2) and Concord resident Dean A. Poirier was my guest for this episode of ‘Frankly Speaking’. The actual interview took place in the Access Nashua studio on Feb. 1, 2022.

Poirier, who is also a Disabled Veteran from his service with the U.S. Army, started the discussion by talking about his self-imposed Term Limits pledge of no more than four, two year terms before he promises to leave the U.S. House of Representatives. He cited a number of other Congressmen, like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who simply exploited her opportunity and stayed in Congress way too long. Poirier didn’t rule out possibly running for either something like Governor or U.S. Senator after that eight years in the House of Reps but he was certain not to pursue any more elected time with that entity.

Another point Poirier was very passionate about was keeping America’s 2nd Amendment rights, or Gun Ownership, in tact for the foreseeable future. Poirier even rolled up his sleeve during the interview and showed a tattoo he had gotten regarding Gun Ownership rights. Personally, I don’t think you can get much more zealous than that.

Other topics we discussed included: if a male candidate (such as himself) were to face incumbent Democrat Ann Kuster in a public debate, would he be expected to act like a “perfect gentleman” just because Kuster is a female? We also talked about Donald Trump and if he has any future with the Republican Party. Besides incumbent Congresswoman Kuster, Poirier talked a little bit of some of the other Republican primary candidates hoping to win the NH-2 seat in November. And if Poirier is elected this November, he vows to help push to finish the Border Wall between the U.S. and Mexico to prevent the massive influx of Illegal Aliens to our country.

Poirier said that he’s running on the campaign credo of: ‘SERVICE NOT SELF-INTEREST!!’ He also joked during the interview that a lot of folks on the campaign trail often refer to Poirier as a, “Colonel Sanders look-alike” of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame probably due to his glasses and goatee.

If you wish to learn more about Dean Poirier’s congressional campaign, please log onto his website at: . If you wish to ask him a specific question, you can email him at: .

Massachusetts Senator Brown

Republican U.S. Senate candidate in NH, Scott Brown

Republican U.S. Rep candidate in N.H., Marilinda Garcia

Republican U.S. Rep candidate in NH, Marilinda Garcia

Residing in what many national political pundits view as a “pivotal” State to hopefully swing the balance of power in the U.S. Congress, New Hampshire, I can’t believe a few of my Conservative friends have said they plan to just ignore the U.S. Senate race between Democrat incumbent Jeanne Shaheen and Republican challenger Scott Brown because they claim there’s no difference between these two candidates.

Now I realize that New Hampshire is probably considered to be a “Blue State” right now since most of the elected officials in State and National seats are Democrats, but do you REALLY think that President Barack Obama is doing a great job at this particular stage in his second term? Are you actually happy with the way Obama has handled the ISIS terrorists situation in Iraq — particularly his desire to play golf in Cape Cod just after an American journalist was literally beheaded by Muslim terrorists in that country?

Or, how about our Economy right now?

How about the “porous” U.S. borders that allow millions of illegal aliens to enter our country on a regular basis?

How about the Unemployment situation in the U.S. right now?

Are you happy that certain Federal agencies can be ordered to spy and investigate certain American citizens just because they may hold and publicly express opposite political viewpoints as the President?

Do you REALLY want to give President Obama a “Stamp of Approval” for the job he’s done thus far in November? That’s about what this upcoming election amounts to.

Regardless of what Scott Brown did or failed to do during his two-year tenure in the U.S. Senate to fill the late Ted Kennedy’s term in Massachusetts, he won his Republican primary by a rather healthy margin against two reputable opponents, one of whom was also a former U.S. Senator himself, Bob Smith. They all managed to get their talking points in during the debates, media interviews, newspaper ads, campaign flyers, etc. There’s really no denying that Brown won the Republican primary, fair and square.

For a handful of NH Republican voters to now say they plan to just leave the U.S. Senate race blank when voting in November is not only “sour grapes”, it’s also a vote for the incumbent Democrat Jeanne Shaheen — oh yeah, and President Obama as well. I think the cliche that I’m looking for here is: “Cut off your nose to spite your face.” Also, if Shaheen gets reelected in November, she’ll be an “entrenched incumbent” with two Senate terms under her belt six years from now in the year 2020, and a multimillion dollar campaign war chest which very few potential challengers in the future could match. In other words, it would take something comparable to the Watergate scandal to bounce Shaheen out of office after 2014.

Hopefully, Bob Smith (who actually came in third in last week’s Republican primary), along with second place finisher Jim Reubens, will help campaign this year on Scott Brown’s behalf.

U.S. Rep race in NH

We also had the privilege to experience a very spirited Republican primary for U.S. Representative. State Rep Marilinda Garcia defeated two former State legislators for the chance to run against Democrat incumbent Annie Kuster.

Some of Garcia’s supporters are already billing this election as “Kuster’s Last Stand”, as well as, “Beauty and the Beast” since Garcia is a young lady who happens to be fairly attractive, while Ms. Kuster is, not so much. In fact, while U.S. Senator Ted Cruz was stumping in NH for Garcia on the weekend prior to the Primary election, he said, that most Conservative candidates running for elected public office are viewed as: fat, old Caucasian guys; Garcia presents a challenge for the Democrats that they’re really not anticipating. I happen to agree with that.

Along with the fact that, as with Scott Brown, Garcia really needs to get elected to send President Obama a very loud and clear message. Hopefully, the two candidates who lost to Ms. Garcia, Gary Lambert and Jim Lawrence, will recognize the importance of a Republican victory in this particular race and help support Garcia in her campaign.