Archives for category: boycott
Meme which Facebook “supposedly” Fact Checked

So here we go yet again with the Facebook Fact Checkers literally coming off half-cocked to a Meme I posted on Facebook, along with a few comments I added about the fact that I was 100 percent in favor of ‘Boycotting’ the national sandwich franchise chain, Subway for hiring Soccer legend Megan Rapinoe as its latest National Spokesperson.

[How the heck does ‘Subway’ come up with their “official” spokespersons? About a year or so ago, they had some guy named, Jared, whom they fired due to the fact that he was a soon-to-be-convicted Pedophile. So now we’ve got a woman, Megan Rapinoe, who is actually an excellent soccer player, who won’t extent to standing at attention during the playing of our National Anthem. Oh well, whatever Ms. Rapinoe’s hang up is with America, Subway needs to be boycotted till at least they get rid of her.]

The Facebook Fact Checkers then accused me of posting a “false” information because — according to the newspaper, USA Today — Megan Rapinoe never “stomped” on an American flag. There’s just one itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny problem with that last statement — I NEVER accused or insinuated Ms. Rapinoe of “stopping” on an American flag. And what’s probably even more pathetic, the Facebook Fact Checkers never offered a phone number or an email address for any type of back-and-forth dialogue between us.

Just to set the record straight here, I have ZERO respect for any athlete who chooses to kneel down during the playing of the National Anthem. With that said, I absolutely choose NOT to patronize the Subway sandwich franchise chain AT LEAST until it hires a National Spokesperson who admires and respects the United States of America. The following comments in italics I soon posted in response to being “fact checked” and getting shaded over half the post calling it a lie

Hey Facebook Fact Checker, there’s a HUGE 180 degree difference between someone who “stomps on an American flag” versus someone who “kneels down during the playing of the National Anthem”. Please Re-Read what I wrote in the Meme. Why doesn’t Facebook hire another group of Fact Checkers just to check on all the screw-ups you guys make?

Excellent point, apparently Coca-Cola dabbles in a number of different brand names. It’s important to Boycott ALL its products.

What a brilliant idea — Let’s all email Coca Cola’s scumbag Board of Directors a comment or two on how we REALLY feel about them screwing around with the State of Georgia Election System. If Coca Cola’s not happy about Georgia’s Election laws, maybe it should uproot and set up its operation in some other Country that enjoys drinking its brown-colored Urine!

Memo to Self: NEVER buy any more tires from Goodyear EVER AGAIN! I mean, the way I figure, if it’s good enough for both Donald Trump & Kayleigh McEnany to boycott, then dag nabbit, it’s good enough for Yours Truly to boycott as well. What right does Goodyear have to prohibit its employees from wearing MAGA hats or shirts, or “Blue Lives Matter” shirts, HOWEVER, wearing a “Black Lives Matter” shirt is perfectly fine? I don’t think so, Mr. Goodyear Blimp, that’s just blatant discrimination and I’ll just buy my tires elsewhere.