Archives for category: Communist

At last check, I don’t remember the First Amendment of U.S. Constitution being limited to ONLY things we like, or things we want to see published in the Media.

With that said, former U.S. President Donald Trump was BANNED from posting anything on both High Tech Social Media giants Facebook and Twitter just prior to the November Election last year. Why exactly is not really clear, we can only assume that both Facebook and Twitter were endorsing the candidacy of Democrat Joseph Robinette Biden in that Election. Very recently, both Facebook and Twitter upheld its BAN against Trump from ever using their outlets again.

The former President, who is rumored to try to regain his Presidency in 2024, has set up his own Social Media forum called, From the Desk of Donald J. Trump. It’ll be interesting to see just how far this outlet will go since Facebook and Twitter have also banned a lot of Republicans who tried posting material in support of Trump.

YouTube blogger Liberal Hivemind did an excellent video on this very same topic, which I’ve posted above. Please let me know your thoughts on this as I really would love to have a nice debate on this particular topic.

So I guess referring to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki as “the Worse” goes way beyond her repeated “I’ll have to, ‘Circle Back’ on that” indicating that she really doesn’t do her homework prior to these Press Conferences — she’s also very ignorant and inconsiderate regarding the Republican party or former president, Donald Trump.

And what about photo of her in this video posing with a Russian official and Climate Czar John Kerry, while wearing a hat given to her with a Communist Hammer and Sickle symbol in front?

Blogger Michael Knowles does an excellent job depicting many of the shortcomings of Ms. Psaki. This video is a little more than 11 minutes in length.