Archives for category: extramarital affair
First son & alleged crackhead, Hunter Biden (Center Photo) also deserves to be thrown in BLEEPIN Prison. Incidentally, the woman pictured with Congressman Swalwell (Top Photo) is a Chinese communist spy named Fang Fang, whom Swalwell had an extra-marital affair with early in his tenure as a U.S. Rep.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy further elaborates on “WHY” he chose not to allow Congressmen Schiff, and Swalwell to serve on the House Intelligence Committee.
Comedian Jimmy Dore, and reporter Aaron Mate discuss Congressman Adam Schiff’s relationship with “Russia-gate”, and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s decision to bounce him from the House Intel Committee.
Congressmen Adam Schiff, and Eric Swalwell can’t stop whining and complaining about getting thrown off the House Intelligence Committee. YouTube blogger Trump Fan Network compiles some excellent video clips of these two crybabies in action on various cable TV shows.
Bill Stevenson (left) was initially married to our current First Lady. The big question is: Is the photo on the right with then-Senator Joe Biden, Jill as Mrs. Stevenson, or as a teenage babysitter?
Here’s the actual Meme that the Facebook Fact-Checkers claimed was “erroneous” because Jill Biden was never then-Senator Joe Biden’s Babysitter. However Joe and Jill initially met, Facebook refuses to get back with me on this subject. Gee, I wonder why?

So I guess if you’re employed by the social network, Facebook as a “Fact-Checker”, your response to the question in the title would probably be, “it’s erroneous to claim Jill Biden was ever Joe Biden’s babysitter.” But then when asked if Jill was married to a Delaware nightclub owner who was supporting then-Senator Joe Biden’s candidacy, Facebook just seemed to have disappeared into thin air. It’s pretty funny how Facebook Fact-Checkers love to screw with people like that, eh?

Jill’s first hubby was a guy named Bill Stevenson, who owned and operated the ‘Stone Balloon‘ nightclub in Newark, Delaware. As the story goes, Jill and Bill married in the early 70’s and then divorced sometime in the mid-70’s. Ironically (or maybe not so ironically), Jill happened to first meet then-Senator Joe Biden around the mid-70’s. Apparently, Bill Stevenson actively supported Joe Biden’s senate campaign back then.

Sometime after it became clear that Joe Biden was going to be the 2020 Democrat Presidential nominee, Bill Stevenson had mentioned in some circles that he planned to author a book on how Joe Biden broke up his marriage to Jill about 25 years earlier. It was unclear, however, if Stevenson changed his mind about writing and distributing a book like that, or perhaps he was talked out of pursuing that deal.

More on this rather fascinating story as it unfolds.

This is fascinating stuff in light of what Joe Biden claimed about his “relationship” with his former employee, Tara Reade.

Both Jill and Joe Biden claimed they first met because Joe’s brother, Frank recognized her picture in a newspaper ad, knew her phone number, and called her up on Joe’s behalf. Jill’s ex-husband is now claiming their marriage broke up because Jill was screwing around with Joe, and both had worked on Joe’s first Senate campaign.

Jill’s ex husband, Bill Stevenson, who owns the, ‘Stone Balloon’ lounge in Delaware is currently writing a book on the whole relationship. Getting back to Tara Reade, if Mr. Stevenson’s account of his divorce is true, then why should anybody believe what Joe Biden had to say regarding Ms. Reade’s testimony being a Lie?

It’s pathetic enough that there are numerous video tapes and Google Images of Joe Biden inappropriately touching women — and sometimes under-aged girls, but how did Joe and Jill Biden REALLY get together with each other? If Mr. Stevenson has evidence to substantiate his claims that they were both messing around on the side which led to Stevenson’s divorce, I think it’s about time to take a second look at Ms. Reade’s accusations against her former boss, Joe Biden.


Strzok Page

(So four years ago, Lisa Page & the guy she was having an extramarital affair with, FBI agent Peter Strzok, were planning a Coup, or a government overthrow, if Donald Trump were to win the 2016 Presidential election. By all accounts, Ms. Page along with her “boy toy” Mr. Strzok, ought to be in Prison right now for Treason. Instead, at least very recently, MSNBC hired Ms. Page as a, “Legal and National Security Analyst”, apparently in a vain attempt to revive its pathetic, dismal ratings. Only in America would a TV network hire a dizzy bimbo like Lisa Page in an attempt to spruce up its ratings a little bit.)

MSNBC hires controversial ex-FBI lawyer Lisa Page as legal analyst

By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News

MSNBC announced on Friday that it has hired former FBI lawyer Lisa Page as an NBC News and MSNBC national security and legal analyst.

On Friday night, President Trump blasted MSNBC’s latest hiring decision.

“You must be kidding??? This is a total disgrace!” Trump tweeted.

Page made her debut as an MSNBC analyst during “Deadline: White House” alongside former Mueller probe prosecutor Andrew Weissmann, who appears to have been rehired by the network after they severed ties after it was announced he was hosting a Biden fundraiser, which was ultimately canceled.

Both Page and Weissmann offered legal analysis on the ongoing feud between President Trump and Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser over the presence of outside troops.

Page is best known for her publicized text exchanges with her lover, ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok, which revealed extreme animosity towards Trump during the 2016 election and created the perception that their political views fueled the Russia investigation.

The texts that sounded the alarm for GOP lawmakers was Strzok’s reference to an “insurance policy” that was discussed at Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe’s office. Page denied that meant the FBI had plotted to remove Trump if he won the election.

Last December, Page broke her silence and made her television debut on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show,” where she was asked about the “insurance policy” text.

“It’s an analogy,” Page explained. “First of all, it’s not my text, so I’m sort of interpreting what I believed he meant back three years ago, but we’re using an analogy. We’re talking about whether or not we should take certain investigative steps or not based on the likelihood that he’s going to be president or not.”

She continued, “You have to keep in mind … if President Trump doesn’t become president, the national-security risk, if there is somebody in his campaign associated with Russia, plummets. You’re not so worried about what Russia’s doing vis-à-vis a member of his campaign if he’s not president because you’re not going to have access to classified information, you’re not going to have access to sources and methods in our national-security apparatus. So, the ‘insurance policy’ was an anology. It’s like an insurance policy when you’re 40. You don’t expect to die when you’re 40, yet you still have an insurance policy.”

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow chimed in, “So, don’t just hope that he’s not going to be elected and therefore not press forward with the investigation hoping, but rather press forward with the investigation just in case he does get in there.”

“Exactly,” Page replied.

The love affair between Page and Strzok was previously mocked by President Trump at several of his campaign rallies.

MSNBC had seen a surge in viewership during the Russia investigation, but ever since Special Counsel Robert Mueller released his findings, the network has taken quite the tumble. Its most popular program, “The Rachel Maddow Show,” continued in May its extended nosedive in the cable news ratings. Maddow finished the month of May behind five different Fox News programs in total viewership, including non-primetime shows “The Five” and “Special Report with Bret Baier.”

Maddow has been outside the top five cable news programs among total viewers and outside the top six in the demo for four consecutive months. Maddow has shed demo viewers for three straight months at the same time America has seen an unprecedented news cycle filled with everything from a global pandemic to rampant joblessness to the tragic death of George Floyd in police custody.

Fox News’ Brian Flood contributed to this report.

Joseph A. Wulfsohn is a media reporter for Fox News. Follow him on Twitter @JosephWulfsohn.