Archives for category: Facebook jail
Kyle Rittenhouse justifiably should’ve been given a Medal for shooting and killing these two scumbags!!!

Any questions on “WHY” these Facebook Fact Checkers choose NOT to engage in an open debate with Yours Truly but instead just block my Meme from any public view and then hit me with a three (3) day suspension from posting anything because I supposedly violated Facebook’s rule on promoting “violent” content?

Kyle Rittenhouse is looking more and more like the late, great actor Charles Bronson during all those vigilante “Death Wish” movies. I think one question that readily comes to mind while watching all the video tape evidence played in court thus far — Where the heck were all the Wisconsin police during this (not so) peaceful protest???

For the life of me, I can’t see how any Jury with any brains will convict Mr. Rittenhouse of even one of the three “murders” that they’re currently talking about in this trial.



Wow, it seems like only just a couple years ago that our Mainstream Media referred to then-President Donald Trump as possibly having early Alzheimer’s disease because one day after giving a rather lengthy speech for the graduating Cadets at the West Point Military Academy in New York, Trump found himself in a situation which he had to carefully “pigeon-toe” his way down a wet steel ramp in order to prevent himself from falling down and perhaps, hurting himself.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, that was then and this is now.

Within a couple months after he was inaugurated President, Joseph Robinette Biden, had an episode which he fell down three (3) times going up the stairs of his official Plane, Air Force One, and the Mainstream Media hardly made a peep about it. Biden’s also had numerous episodes in the past 10 months of his Presidency thus far, which might prompt a lot of individuals to have him pegged as someone with possibly early Alzheimer’s disease. But nobody in the Media would dare raise that question because that just wouldn’t be “politically correct”. And now, the infamous Facebook Fact Checkers are nailing Yours Truly over posting above.

Here was my initial blurb to this Meme on my Facebook page:

OK, so if our President didn’t have the nickname of, ‘Sleepy Joe’, it’d probably be something along the lines of “Touchy Feely” or perhaps “Creepy” due in large part to his blatant intimacy with women other than his wife, and sometimes even with underage girls. Now I’m sure Joe Biden loves his grandchildren very much and vice versa, but with that said, kissing his 19-year-old granddaughter on the lips in public (as shown in this particular Meme) is just a wee bit too close for comfort, I think. What do YOU think? Do you think I’ve got a point here, or am I just being ridiculous?

Here’s how the Facebook Fact Checkers responded:

“Check your Fact — Viral Post Falsely Claims to Show Joe Biden ‘Making Out’ With A 15-year-old Girl. The photo is miscaptioned”

So, in other words, had I posted on my Facebook page just after former President Trump did his West Point speech and stated that anyone who would “pigeon-toe” step down a wet, steel ramp to prevent from falling down is obviously suffering from early Alzheimer’s disease — THAT would be perfectly alright, in Facebook’s eyes. So here was my response to the Facebook Fact Checkers banning my Meme:

In defense of President Biden, his hands (or even HER hands) are NOT touching each other in the photos of this Meme. Would that even remotely be considered “Making Out”??? With that having been said, I’d hate to see how Joe and his granddaughter interact with each other when they’re in Private. Also, isn’t it a little Bizarre how Americans know little to nothing about Joe’s daughter, Ashley. The Biden Family is hardly a “Role Model” for the next Norman Rockwell painting.

So one of my Facebook friends, Judith Ne then responded to everything that was posted thus far:

Does anyone kiss their grandparent on the mouth?

I then responded as follows:

Excellent point, a simple kiss on the cheek is good enough for either grandpa or grandma for a grand kid to show respect and love to their elder relative. What Joe Biden is doing here — IN OPEN PUBLIC — is just a wee bit too bizarre and just plain weird !!!

So for about the next 24 hours, I guess I’m confined to something called, “Facebook Jail” all because the aforementioned Meme is viewed by Facebook as, “Hate Speech”. The following was the inscription I had posted just above the Meme, which sort of echos the writing in the Meme itself.

ATTENTION ALL FEMINISTS: Which one is it Ladies, you can’t have it both ways? Are ALL Men pigs, OR, Are Women equal to Men???

Thus far, have you read anything that puts Feminists in an inaccurate light? From what little I know about Feminism, these are two very common statements often made by this woman’s group. The only other thing I can possibly think of is the guy in this Meme — if he’s a famous actor or celebrity, I honestly have no clue who he is as this is the very first time, I believe I’ve ever seen this guy in my life.

So long story short, when I woke up about a couple hours ago, I learn that Facebook was suspending me for 24 hours over the aforementioned Meme because they viewed it as “hate speech”. Basically, I wasn’t allowed to post anything new, or respond to another post within that 24 hour time frame. I guess Facebook does offer a Right to Appeal, but it’s like going through a next to impossible gauntlet that seems to work in Facebook’s favor at every turn. Why can’t Facebook give me a phone number of someone I can actually talk to? Or how about an email address of a Facebook rep I can correspond with?

Facebook also blamed COVID-19 as to “WHY” its Appeals Process is so slow, yet we’re about two weeks away from all the great American cookouts that are scheduled to take place on the July Fourth holiday all throughout the country.