John Lynn, Pastor and President of The Living Truth Fellowship (headquartered in Indianapolis IN), was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’. This interview took place via Skype on 9/23/20.

Lynn, who appeared on my government-access TV show about a year ago, has served as a Pastor with three different ministries collectively for more than 50 years, or over a half century. Since becoming a Pastor, Lynn has authored numerous books, as well as produced several video series, regarding Biblical research and teachings.

Besides sharing his Biblical expertise regarding mostly COVID-19 and our upcoming Presidential election, Lynn publicly announced that he’d be appearing at a resident’s home here in Nashua NH (in the vicinity of Greeley Park) on Saturday, October 17, 2020. As you can quickly gather from watching this episode or the one on my Archive file from a year ago, John Lynn is truly informative, entertaining, and well worth your while to check out for yourself. For more specific details on Lynn’s Biblical teaching message in Nashua — such as the exact time and street address — please email John at: , and maybe write in the Subject Line: Nashua event 10/17 .

In this particular episode, Lynn talked about how the Bible relates to the current COVID-19 and any Pandemics which might’ve taken place. We also talked about whether this Coronavirus was the result of God being currently angry with the people on Earth, or was it about Satan imposing his Evil on anyone he possibly could? As mentioned earlier with his handful of video series, Lynn made a production with his TLTF ministry called, ‘The End Times’, and whether there was any Biblical evidence if the World is at that point yet.

We further talked about the upcoming Presidential election, particularly if Christians should shy away from actually voting at all since neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden seem to be practicing Christians (or at least ‘society role models’ for others to hopefully follow). I posed the question if Christians should view this Election as they would when picking a Mechanic in the event their vehicle needed repair, or a Surgeon if they needed a medical procedure. Most Christians probably wouldn’t vet a Mechanic or Surgeon and ask them if they accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, so why would they do that with a Presidential candidate?

There was some mention too about downright Lies used by the Media and Political Pundits on how violent riots and looting in Major Cities are being described as, “peaceful protests” and how one of the candidates who allegedly suffers from early cognitive decline, a.k.a. Dementia, is given a ‘Free Pass‘ since most of the media seem to be secretly supporting that guy.

Lynn said that he wrote a commentary titled, ‘GOD vs. GOV‘, on the TLTF’s website’s monthly newsletter (Fruit of D’Vine) next month (October 2020), which will outline a Christian’s responsibility regarding Voting and Government. The elder Pastor from Indiana did indicate that he plans to vote for the candidate who best supports and defends “Freedom” and “Prosperity” for the American people.

Finally, I had Lynn, who’s also a staunch sports fan, tell me about one of my all-time favorite teachings of his which compared Basketball Hall of Famer Larry Bird to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Apparently, in a NBA playoff game several years ago between the Celtics and 76ers, which the 76ers were a point ahead with seconds remaining in the game, Bird told his Celtic teammates during a timeout huddle to pass him the ball because he wanted to take the final shot. Long story short, Bird took the final shot of the game, which was good, and the Celtics went on to win the game. In the same vein, Jesus knew his purpose here on Earth was to be crucified, buried, and be risen from the grave to save us all from sin.

Bottom Line: Larry Bird and Jesus Christ both knew they were ‘the ones’ needed to get the jobs done at the time.

Incidentally, if you’d like to check out John Lynn’s ministry, The Living Truth Fellowship, please log onto: . Hope to see some of you at Lynn’s teaching in Nashua on Saturday, 10/17/20.

Local singer Sharon DiFronzo, of Screamin Heart records, sang the Intro and Outro theme song for this particular episode.