Archives for category: gasoline
Democrat incumbent Catherine Cortez Masto defeated Republican Adam Laxalt in Nevada to win the 50th U.S. Senate seat, which will ensure a Democrat Senate majority until at least 2024. Even if Republican Herschel Walker defeats Democrat Raphael Warnock in the Georgia Senate run-off Election on Dec. 6, Vice President Kamala Harris will serve as the Senate’s 51st Vote if they wind up with a 50-50 split. Despite 75 percent of Americans claiming in Polls that our Country was going in “the wrong direction”, ALL the incumbent Senators running this year were reelected back for another 6-year term in office.

But if anyone is Ignorant, let him (or her) be Ignorant – 1 Corinthians 14:38

So it’s now official, the Democrats have retained majority status in the Senate for at least the next two (2) years, while future control of the House of Representatives is still to be determined. Contrary to quite a few Election predictions, it wasn’t quite a “Red Tsunami” for the Republicans, heck it wasn’t even close.

Within days after the Primary election in mid-September, or about two months ago, both my mailbox and TV were inundated with ads basically stating, do NOT vote for the Republican challenger ‘so & so’ because they were just out to eliminate: “Medicare”, “Social Security”, and something referred to as “women’s healthcare” – which is basically a politically-correct phrase for Abortion. They would then add that this Republican challenger was just “too radical” or “too extreme” for New Hampshire (or probably whatever State they were in).

Funny thing, in most nationwide Polls prior to this past Midterm Election, the vast amount of American voters – like about 75 percent of them — indicated that our Country was heading in the WRONG direction. In a strong paraphrase to the question then-Republican candidate, Ronald Reagan asked the American people in his closing statements of the 1980 Presidential Debate –  “Are you Better Off now, Financially, than you were just Two (2) Years ago?” In light, of the blatant Inflation increases America has been experiencing since Joe Biden was inaugurated as our President – i.e. Gas, Food, Utilities, Electronics, Vehicles, Crime, etc. – the obvious answer to that aforementioned question is BLEEP No !!!

With that all said, how the heck were the Democrats even competitive in last Tuesday’s Midterm Election? Do YOU Honestly Believe that Reelecting an Incumbent Senator or U.S. Rep to public office for 2-6 more years is going to vastly IMPROVE our Country’s Inflation or the major Crime problem in our Cities ??? Dude…Seriously?? In addition to the Bible verse I used at the top of this Thread from 1 Corinthians 14:38, that popular old cliché also comes to mind here – “The Definition of ‘Insanity’ is doing the same thing over and over and over again, and Assuming you’re going to get a different Result.”

Or perhaps the even better question here is – how the heck does seeing a zillion stupid mailed or TV ads stating that the Republican challenger in this upcoming Election is just “too Radical” or “too Extreme” for this area because they alleged plan to eliminate this, that, or the other thing; SO HOW COULD THAT EVEN REMOTELY SUPERSEDE a blatantly incompetent, incumbent elected official who has FAILED to Remedy the Inflation, or Crime situation while they were actually in public office???

Incidentally, isn’t the whole scheme behind the January 6th Committee a vain attempt to legally prevent Donald Trump from running for President again in 2024 because the Democrats realize that he’ll most likely regain his seat back in two years?

May God bless America going forward !

U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan supposedly fighting for the people of New Hampshire

With the upcoming Midterm Election just over a month away from now — Nov. 8th, 2022 — there are probably a ton of questions the incumbents U.S. Congressional (U.S. Representatives, and U.S. Senators) candidates would absolutely HATE to be asked by either the Media, or a regular taxpayer during an Open Town Hall, or maybe a, Candidates’ Debate forum.

Republican candidates could be asked questions about former president Donald Trump, even though the guy’s been a “Private Citizen” now for almost TWO (2) years, so to draw any type of association with Trump is sort of like researching Ancient History.

Democrat candidates, on the other hand, are sort of “joined at the Hip” with President Joe Biden. And if you happen to be an incumbent Democrat, running for Reelection, your voting record since Biden’s inauguration Day will probably be mentioned several dozen, maybe even several hundred, times by your Republican challenger. Unfortunately, for the Democrat incumbents, most of Biden’s decisions as President haven’t been too pleasing to most American taxpayers. It’s sort of like having “Buyer’s Remorse” on your Presidential choice. This past Summer, for example, when the White House asked many of these incumbent Democrat Congressional candidates if they’d like to have Biden come down with them on the campaign trail and make a speech on their behalf, they would, more often than not, refuse that invitation.
That brings me down to the purpose of this particular posting — What 2 Questions you should NEVER ask an incumbent U.S. Congressional Democrat candidate running in this year’s Midterm Election? The very first one, would be a slight paraphrase of Ronald Reagan’s question to the American people immediately following his 1980 Presidential debate against then-incumbent Democrat president Jimmy Carter — “Are YOU better off today, Financially speaking (also more Safe), than you were just two (2) years ago ?”

With a Republican challenger posing a question like that, most American citizens are VERY FAMILIAR just how much they’re paying to refuel their vehicles; they’re also very familiar how much prices increased in Supermarkets with meat, poultry, eggs, bacon, milk, fruits, vegetable, cleaning products, etc.; and lastly, how exactly has your 401K and Mutual Funds got cut down to size during the Biden administration?
My second question would be in light of the FBI “raiding” Donald Trump’s Florida home recently — “Do you believe the FBI and the DOJ have “fairly treated” Donald Trump compared with any investigations they may have had regarding, let’s say, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, or Hillary Clinton?” It’s absolutely mind-boggling how our FBI “raided and seized the property of a former U.S. President”, but how about seizing the iPhones and files of Trump’s lawyers — what ever happened to Attorney-Client privilege? Also, why were Trump’s: Passport, Tax Records, and Last Will and Testament ever seized in that “Raid”? Lastly, if the FBI, or DOJ can pull a stunt and “raid the residence” of a former president, they could EASILY do the same type of thing to you or I.

Amen! What an EXCELLENT analogy to show just how BLEEPIN STUPID politicians like Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg are for even suggesting that Americans all run out and buy themselves an Electric vehicle. At last check, Electric Cars retail for about $70K.

Never let it be said that Joseph Robinette Biden is NOT a Man of his Word. I believe the Meme truly proves my point here.

Americans need to reminisce back to those, ‘Good Old Days’

Amen!! How the vast majority of American citizens sorely miss right about now those “mean Tweets at 3 a.m.”, along with them, “$1.43 per gallon of gasoline” — in other words, what were truly, “the Good Old Days”!!! Come the Midterm Election in November, will be Step #1 to send a VERY LOUD MESSAGE to Dementia Joe along with his extremely Socialist Congress on how we plan to fully take back our Country in 2024. I can’t wait!!!!

Wow, what a difference a year makes! The cost of five (5) different items literally going thru the proverbial roof. Two different Presidents both running our Country during the same Worldwide COVID Pandemic. Two completely different, polar opposite results.

Hey Facebook Fact Checkers — “Missing Context”, now that’s pretty funny. If I recall correctly, going into the Presidential Election last November, the Liberal Media blamed COVID-19 on Donald Trump despite the fact that it’s a “WORLDWIDE VIRUS”. Trump DID pushed to get the Vaccines into fruition via Operation Warp Speed, despite the fact that the Media NEVER gives Trump credit for that. Joe Biden, incidentally, was COVID vaccinated during the Trump administration. Go figure.

A one-on-one comparison of average gas prices between Donald Trump’s administration versus Barack Obama’s administration. Please note that President Trump’s son, Eric, does NOT appear anywhere in this Meme but that doesn’t stop the Facebook Fact Checkers from inserting it.

$64,000 Question: Where exactly does Eric Trump appear in the aforementioned Meme? Perhaps the better question — Why doesn’t Facebook provide either a phone number or an email address of their Fact Checker so people can engage in a nice one-on-one dialogue when they’re publicly called out for allegedly posting “erroneous information”?

If Facebook is now taking the responsibility of having “correct facts” in somebody’s posting, who doesn’t it go the extra mile and give their contact information so people can engage in a nice one-on-one dialogue with them? Meanwhile, let’s get the facts straight here.