Archives for category: Holy Spirit

Jesus on Cross

Jesus died for our sins, and rose from the grave. — The Gospel Message in 10 words, courtesy of EvanTell, and Dr. Larry Moyer

10 Words that Best Describe the Story behind Eternal Salvation:

1) God
2) Man
3) Sin
4) Death
5) Jesus
6) Cross
7) Grave
8) Resurrection
9) Faith
10) Life

Bible Passage that Explains the ‘How To’ of Eternal Salvation in less than 60 Words:

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. — Romans 10:9-10 New International Version (NIV)

Pastor Greg Odiorne of the Merrimack Valley Baptist Church in Merrimack NH, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’, which was taped in the Access Nashua studio on 1-23-20.

The main topic of discussion for this show was about the 2017 book, ‘The Paradigm’ by Jonathan Cahn, which outlines a supposed ancient blueprint that depicts a narrative from about 3000 years ago in the Old Testament, allegedly comparing with some of the key political players in America, just before and after the 2016 Presidential election.

Cahn, who’s a Rabbi and a popular guest on numerous Christian TV shows, also authored ‘The Harbinger’, which was a New York Times Best Seller and a publication that depicted the 9/11 tragedy in relationship to the Bible.

But despite some amazing similarities and comparisons between these characters and their respective timelines, Pastor Odiorne wasn’t too impressed ‘The Paradigm’, especially since it gives the impression that God may have used the same narrative of 3000 years ago to sort of reincarnate a very similar narrative for America today.

For example, Cahn compared King Joram (the Heir) to former President Barack Obama. Joram’s reign as King of Northern Israel was 12 years and stated that Obama’s reign of American leadership was when he first spoke at the 2004 Democrat Presidential Convention as a Senator, and four years later he’d become President for eight years. It might be a stretch to insinuate that Obama ruled America from ’04 thru ’08, as a U.S. Senator from Illinois.

One specific Odiorne said he had a problem with was insinuating that a character like Jezebel, who was well-documented as a very evil woman in the Bible, is like Hillary Clinton. Regardless of one’s political affiliation, it might be a little insulting to give the impression that that could be Biblical truth. We also discussed one Parallel, which Cahn made from his book, the similarity between Baal worship — often offering children as sacrifices — to today’s Pro Choice movement in America, which allowed for more than 60 million aborted fetuses since the passage of Roe v. Wade in 1963.

Since it was obvious that Odiorne didn’t really care too much for, ‘The Paradigm’ book, we discussed some of the 2020 plans for Merrimack Valley Baptist Church, like its Discipleship Training Program, Bread ministry, as well as upcoming plans for the Easter holiday and its annual Summer Vacation Bible School.

Aside from that, we compared the difference between God’s Judgement and Satan’s evil on the world. Since the editor of the magazine, ‘Christianity Today’ wrote a commentary urging Donald Trump to step down as President, which was immediately followed by popular evangelist Franklin Graham countering those viewpoints, we discussed a little bit about that as well and what to look for in the upcoming 2020 election.

If you wish to learn more about the Merrimack Valley Baptist Church, please log onto: .

Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro theme song for this episode.

Newly hired Pastor Greg Odiorne of the Merrimack Valley Baptist Church in Merrimack NH was my guest for this episode of ‘Frankly Speaking’ which was taped in the Access Nashua studio on 11-5-19.

Topics discussed included: apparent Bible contradictions, artistic licenses used in Christian film productions, the importance of Crowns in the Bible, and the future of the Merrimack Valley Baptist Church.

Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro theme song for this episode.

Incidentally, if you’re interested in further information on the Merrimack Valley Baptist Church, please log onto: .

John Lynn, president of The Living Truth Fellowship, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’. This was also the first time we ever recorded a ‘Frankly Speaking’ episode via Skype — Lynn was at his residence in Indianapolis, while I was doing the interview from the usual Access Nashua (New Hampshire) studio. The interview took place on August 5, 2019.

I first met Lynn when an individual from his then-Biblical research organization told me about Jesus Christ and how to attain eternal salvation through the Word of God, a.k.a. the Bible, back in the late 70’s. Lynn has been a Pastor for more than 50 years, and TLTF is now his third Christian organization.

We covered numerous topics during this approximate hour long episode which included but not limited to: the Trinity, Speaking in Tongues, fellow-shipping with other like-minded believers, could the second-coming of Jesus take place now or is he waiting for more people to accept him as Lord and Savior, what is repentance, how does one attain eternal salvation, etc.?

John Lynn has also made three Biblically foundational video teaching series with TLTF: ‘One Day with the Creator’, ‘The End Times’; and, ‘Jesus Christ: The Diameter of the Ages’.

Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro to my show’s theme song for this episode.

For further information about John Lynn and his ministry, please log onto: ; or, if you’re on either YouTube or Twitter, type in keyword: JustTruthIt . Incidentally, I’ve posted a couple of TLTF video teachings by Lynn in the Comment section of this Thread featuring: the Trinity, Speaking in Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues, and Fundamental Basics for Spiritual Growth. In addition to all that, I also posted a popular YouTube video in the Comments section giving the opposing side to Lynn’s argument regarding the Trinity in the Bible.


By Larry Moyer
March 14, 2018

Like most students, lunch break was my favorite “class” in school. That was especially true in the spring. But it had nothing to do with lunch. It had everything to do with baseball. The goal was to down lunch as quickly as possible and then head to the baseball field.

When I reflect on those days, I remember the dynamic duo—two guys in our class that made an unbeatable team (one even went on to play in the major leagues). Everyone knew that if those two guys were ever on the same team, the opposing team was in BIG trouble. The opposing team had but two choices—head for the locker room or suffer an embarrassing defeat.

Dynamic duos occur in other areas such as the ballpark of evangelism. Four decades of experience has taught me there is an “unbeatable duo” in evangelism—two items that when combined in the same person makes his or her witness something that even Satan has reason to fear. If call that dynamic duo “clarity with the lips and consistency with the life.” Common sense tells you what makes such a combination so powerful.

Clarity with the lips means the believer’s greatest emphasis is not just telling others to come to Christ but telling them how to come to Christ. His clarity is demonstrated three ways.

1) A simple message—He doesn’t attempt to share all 66 books of the Bible, but the 10 words of the gospel: Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead (1 Cor. 15:3–4).

2) A clear definition of saving faith—The gospel of John, the book written to tell us how to receive eternal life (John 20:31), exhorts us 98 times to believe. That means understanding that Jesus Christ died for your sins and rose again, as well as trusting in Christ alone to save you. A person who is clear on saving faith understands that walking an aisle or saying a prayer is not what makes one right with God. He avoids phrases such as “invite Jesus into your heart,” “accept Christ,” or “give your life to God.” Not only are those phrases not used in the New Testament, but they don’t convey the idea that I must trust in Christ and His finished work on the cross as my only basis of eternal life.

3) An emphasis that salvation is not given on the basis of Christ plus anything but on the basis of Christ period—It is not Christ and a healthy dose of good deeds that saves us. It is Christ alone. When such a person leads others to Christ, the new converts typically understand the plan of salvation so clearly that they find it easy to turn around and explain it to someone else.

Now lay alongside that witness consistency with the life. It’s the kind of consistency Paul refers to when he says “that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world” (Phil. 2:15).

Nothing backs up a terrific message better than a terrific life. The comment has been made that when the world is at its worst Christians need to be at their best.

Non-Christians are often looking for a reason to toss our message aside. When they find a person whose holiness of life resembles the holiness of his message, they are rendered “speechless.” The Holy Spirit’s conviction says to him, “You’ve tossed other Christians aside. What are you going to do with that one?”

In baseball terms, clarity and consistency scores a home run.

If the Bible states in the book of 1 Corinthians that God would not want His followers ignorant on spiritual matters, then why do most individuals have so many problems comprehending on what it’s actually stating?

Dr. Larry Moyer, CEO and Founder of EvanTell ministry, headquartered in Dallas TX, has devoted the majority of his life to devising a “clear and simple Gospel message” so that folks can more easily grasp what exactly God is trying to convey in His Word, a.k.a. the Bible.

“The 66 books of the Bible — or the entire Gospel message — can be summed up in just 10 simple words: Jesus died for our sins, and rose from the grave,” Moyer said.

Moyer, who had a severe speech impediment problem as a child but always wanted to be an Evangelist, prayed back then that if God delivered him from that condition, Moyer would work to help others better understand the scriptures. He said that the two biggest reasons Christians don’t share the Gospel message with others are: 1) They’re afraid, and, 2) They don’t know how. The EvanTell ministry helps people get over their fears to become better witnesses for Jesus.

In an EvanTell Gospel tract titled, May I Ask You A Question?‘ (which might be the most popular, and widely requested, item in that ministry), Moyer outlines an easy-to-follow Bad News/Good News approach with ample scripture verses to attaining eternal salvation via “trusting in Christ alone” and making Jesus the personal Lord and Savior in your life.

For further information on the EvanTell ministry or anything stated in this aforementioned video, please log onto: , or call its headquarters at: (214) 420-6326.


What is it that they say about New Year’s Resolutions — give it a week or two, and then it’s just a faint memory. By the time February rolls around, it’s as if you never attempted it in the first place. But if you try to make it your objective to, lets say, quit smoking or lose about 100 pounds — it takes a tremendous amount of discipline to stick to a goal like that and succeed by year’s end.

In 2016, I wanted to do something I always dreamed of doing but, for whatever reason, never got around to getting done — that would be reading the entire Bible, from cover-to-cover, within a one-year period. In my particular case, I was done by the Veteran’s Day holiday, so it was a little more than 10 months.

Several years ago, I remember watching Jim Bakker, who was the Pastor and Host of the former ‘PTL (Praise the Lord) Club’ TV show and subsequently went to prison on Fraud charges. After serving his sentence, Bakker became a Pastor again in the popular vacation resort community of Branson Missouri and made a rather startling statement on the interview show I saw him on.

Bakker said that until he went to Prison, he had never read the Bible from cover-to-cover. Then when he knew that he’d be in Prison for several years, along with the fact that a Bible is one of the few things they allow an inmate to have, Bakker felt it was a great opportunity for him to finally read the entire Bible, from cover-to-cover.

Call me gullible and naive if you will, but I always assumed that reading the entire Bible, from cover-to-cover was just a basic prerequisite to graduating from any reputable Minister’s college. I mean, if you love God, you should love His Word — right? People who choose to devote their lives to “Preaching the Gospel” ought to take the time to, at least, read and study the Holy Bible forwards, backwards, and sideways so it becomes a part of their every living fiber and their absolute deepest thoughts.

Truth be told, I think there are more ordained Ministers in the world like Jim Bakker — BEFORE he went to Prison — when it comes to having the discipline to read thru the entire Bible, even once, from cover-to-cover. Granted, I think most Ministers are very familiar with the vast majority of the Bible and have ample resources to locate a scripture within seconds, but in all fairness, the Bible does have some very intimidating sections.

For example, when the Bible gets into the bloodline (or the Genealogy) from Adam to Jesus Christ, you’ve got a ton of names there — a lot of whom have no second mentions. Are “good Christians” expected to memorize all these names and people? Although I sort of think I’m in good company on this issue because it seems like every time I watch the popular TV cartoon show, The Simpsons, they have Rev. Lovejoy preaching a sermon on some portion of the genealogy cited in the Bible, and then they turn the cameras and we see both Homer and Bart sound asleep in their seats. I don’t mean to sound disrespectful, but I think the topic of genealogy is just a tough thing for most people to fully comprehend and understand.

And what about all the specific measurements God wanted for the building of Noah’s Ark? Or how about the exact size of a sacrificial altar? Or what are the specifics on how you select and then prepare an animal as a holy burnt offering?

God is very detailed oriented, there’s no doubt about it. I also acknowledge the fact that there are a handful of individuals among us now who could easily memorize the aforementioned Bible scriptures, at least, as well as a lot of folks can memorize baseball or football statistics. I just hope and pray that I’m not held accountable on Judgement Day for not being able to memorize all those particular details. Praise God too that all those hard-to-comprehend details only make up a very small portion of the Bible.

Another thing worth noting here is that I went through an Internet site called, Biblica that offers a Plan it refers to as, The Bible in 365 Days. It not only divided the Bible into 365 parts with approximately 3-4 chapters per day, it also divided the Bible into three different sections: New Testament, Poetry (Psalms and Proverbs), and Old Testament (minus Psalms and Proverbs). Breaking up the Bible that way does make it a little more interesting to read and study, I feel. The listed scriptures for that particular day usually start at a natural starting point, and finishes at a natural ending point. I noticed too that there are a few other websites, and even some books, that offer similar type Bible-in-a-Year plans other than Biblica.

Personally, the only way I think I could’ve read the entire Bible, cover-to-cover, without the aid of the Internet or some type of prescribed Plan would be if I was in Prison like, Pastor Jim Bakker and I had a lot of free time on my hands.

So I guess that just leaves the question as to “why” anybody would want to read the Bible within a year or make it one of their, New Year’s Resolutions — there is a verse of scripture that states, “study to show thyself approved unto God”. So for starters, I’d love to be “approved” by God; I sort of think everybody would. Also, if we Christians accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in our lives, doesn’t it just make sense that we try to learn as much as we possibly can about “the One” who made this all possible?

There’s another verse of scripture — also in the New Testament — which states that it’s God’s Will for our lives to, “be Saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth.” Now becoming “Saved” or “Born Again” is fairly easy — just read Romans 10:9-10 and ask Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior in your life. The real “tough part” for a person actually wanting to be Saved — are they willing to Repent and Give Up their Sins in order to make Jesus Christ as the absolute Role Model and Standard-Bearer of their life? The second part of the aforementioned scripture, “come to the knowledge of the Truth” — well that’s truly a lifetime commitment and something even the best of Christians may never fully attain, at least here on Earth.

Prior to my 2016 New Year’s Resolution, I was fairly content with just memorizing a couple dozen scriptures that were fitting for either a tee shirt or bumper sticker — like, for example, John 3:16 — For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son that whom ever believed in him should not perish but have Everlasting Life. Now don’t get me wrong, that’s a beautiful verse of scripture which sort of requires hours, if not years of contemplation to try to fully capture the entire scope of its meaning. On the flip-side of that, for a Christian to just be content memorizing a couple dozen “Biggie” verses of scripture is sort of like saying you’ve got a great understanding of God because you took the time to read thru the Cliff Notes publication on the Bible.

There just has to be a lot more to God and Jesus Christ than a very condensed Cliff Notes publication on the Bible, along with a couple dozen “tremendous” verses of scripture that would look great on a vehicle’s bumper sticker. I want to know specifically, what other “hidden gems” does God have for our learning, understanding, and benefit elsewhere in the Bible? What popular cliches do we use in our everyday language that originally derived from God’s Word? Hence the need and desire for me to read and study the entire Bible, from cover-to-cover.

I don’t view myself as a better human being now that I’ve read the entire Bible, cover-to-cover, but I do think it’s a step in the right direction. Actual application — or the active practical “doing” of the Bible — is probably deemed a higher priority or a little more important in God’s eyes, than simple Bible verse memorization. Maybe 2-3 years from now, I may revisit one of these Internet plans and read over the New Testament or the Old Testament within a couple months just to try to keep myself sharp. On many different levels, I still view myself as, God’s Work in Progress, as opposed to being the person I really want to be or maybe becoming the person God wants me to be.

I guess I’ll just keep praying that I’ll eventually wind up where God really wants me to be.

Esther Clement, a Christian missionary with IBM Global (which is an off-shoot of Merrimack Valley Baptist Church in Merrimack NH) has been currently helping to move the Biblical Gospel in the African country of South Sudan for about a year. She stopped by the Access Nashua studio on 7-11-16 to give her testimony on, Frankly Speaking.

On that particular episode, Ms. Clement spoke about some of the challenges a missionary faces on the Mission field. I’ve always had the utmost respect for anybody who’d work in a field like this.

Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sings the opening and closing song (Comin and Going) for this particular episode.