
Hillary Clinton, and staffer Huma Abedin — a.k.a. Mrs. Anthony Weiner

(Is Huma Abedin married to a rather sick and disgusting individual – Anthony Weiner – ABSOLUTELY!! But who the heck is Hillary Clinton to advise ANYBODY on divorcing their spouse? At least Mr. Weiner never engaged in an extra-marital affair, like Hillary’s husband, former President Bill Clinton. At least Anthony Weiner was never impeached from elected public office for LYING to the Grand Jury, like former President Clinton was. Can you say, “hypocrite”?  )

Do as I say, not as I do: Hillary tells Huma to dump Anthony Weiner

By Cheryl K. Chumley

The Washington Times

Monday, September 23, 2013

Huma Abedin, a top staffer for Hillary Clinton and the wife of beleaguered and scandalized Anthony Weiner, was told to give her husband the boot — or leave the Clinton camp.

Huma has a choice to make,” an unnamed source said, to New York magazine. “Does she go with Anthony or does she go with Hillary?”

This is the “biggest question among Hillary’s circle,” the magazine said, as the former first lady takes the stage as the Democratic Party’s most likely White House candidate for 2016. Ms. Abedin has been a close aide for years — but her husband’s sexting scandals, followed by his failed New York City mayoral run, has strained relations over the past few months.

The worst of the fallout came over the summer when it was revealed that Mr. Weiner had not completely abandoned his sexting habit, as vowed during his 2011 step-down from Congress. Then, Ms. Clinton’s camp warned her to distance herself — but Mr. Weiner’s middle-finger flip-off on election night, as he drove from his losing campaign camp, was the final straw, The New York Post reported.

The magazine added, citing an insider source: “Abedin has struggles to reconcile her marriage to Weiner with her role as Clinton’s top aide, traumatized by the prospect of leaving her boss’ inner circle.”

On top of that, Ms. Abedin is bringing her own headaches. She faces fire for past consulting work for a former Bill Clinton associate and for the William Jefferson Clinton Foundation, seen as potential conflicts of interest with her government position.