Archives for category: Illegal refugees
Comedian Alex Stein (right), along with a buddy of his, hit the city streets in an effort to raise some much needed funds for the poor millionaire residents of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, soon after Florida governor flew 50 Illegal Aliens into that wealthy enclave to permanently reside.

This is just too pee-in-your-pants hysterical to pass up. Comedian Alex Stein, I guess, enjoys going out in public and generating his own “schtick”. Here he and a colleague of his are on some city street corner to raise Money for the “Victims” of Martha’s Vineyard — NOT the 50 Illegal Aliens, but the wealthy millionaire residents of that very privileged enclave. Amazingly, Alex and his buddy, managed to raise a walloping $7.50. You really need to watch this fairly short video to fully respect what they managed to do here.

What the BLEEP appears to be Wrong with this Picture ?

Here’s what my response was to the Facebook Fact Checkers after blocking my post:

Hey Facebook Fact Checkers — Why the BLEEP are Illegal Aliens in America considered to be “Immigrants”??? There’s a BIG difference between people who come into America LEGALLY versus those who come here ILLEGALLY !!!

Is it any wonder why Vice President Kamala Harris dropped out of the 2020 Democrat Presidential Primary BEFORE any Elections or Caucuses were ever held, polling at about one (1) percent of the vote?

Here she is praising Illegal Aliens, who are currently entering the USA by the thousands, without any vetting for COVID, background checks, or anything else, all while publicly trashing our military veterans. Funny thing, since about this past January 6th (2021), 10,000 National Guard troops have been guarding the Capitol building (Congress) around the clock, 24/7. V.P. Harris doesn’t seem to have much problem with THAT arrangement. Hopefully, I can give this Meme a little more ink just before next year’s mid-term elections, as well as the 2024 Presidential Election.

Let the American citizens weigh-in on what they REALLY think about Kamala and her stupid opinions.