Archives for category: Jehu

Is Donald Trump part of a Biblical prophecy outlined in 2 Kings, chapters 9-10? Evangelist/Author Jonathan Cahn proclaims a Parallel between our former president with Jehu, a former king of Israel. The similarities are truly stunning. Please check it out for yourselves :

Amen!!! For some further evidence of this, please read the story of “Jehu” in the Old Testament. Specifically, 2 Kings 9 .

Here we’ve got a secular media outlet — ABC News — doing about an 11-minute feature on “WHY” Evangelical Christians are choosing to support Donald Trump for President IN DROVES.

Can God use brash and arrogant men to proclaim “His Will”? King David (the guy who killed Goliath with his sling-shot) was an Adulterer and Murderer. Paul the Apostle (who wrote most of the books in the New Testament) killed Christians before he gave his life to the Lord Jesus.

In the Old Testament, both King Cyrus, and Jehu, are often compared with President Donald Trump, weren’t exactly the best Role Models as Christians yet God still managed to use them to get His point across to the people of that time. Come to think of it, other than Jesus Christ, every other person mentioned in the Bible has some type of flaw or imperfection associated with them.

I believe there’s a verse in the New Testament, that God uses the silly to confound the wise — 1 Corinthians 1:27. So why is it such a “stretch” for God Almighty to use President Donald Trump to fulfill His Will?

Bottom Line: There’s obviously hope for us all — Romans 10:9-10.

Pastor Greg Odiorne of the Merrimack Valley Baptist Church in Merrimack NH, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’, which was taped in the Access Nashua studio on 1-23-20.

The main topic of discussion for this show was about the 2017 book, ‘The Paradigm’ by Jonathan Cahn, which outlines a supposed ancient blueprint that depicts a narrative from about 3000 years ago in the Old Testament, allegedly comparing with some of the key political players in America, just before and after the 2016 Presidential election.

Cahn, who’s a Rabbi and a popular guest on numerous Christian TV shows, also authored ‘The Harbinger’, which was a New York Times Best Seller and a publication that depicted the 9/11 tragedy in relationship to the Bible.

But despite some amazing similarities and comparisons between these characters and their respective timelines, Pastor Odiorne wasn’t too impressed ‘The Paradigm’, especially since it gives the impression that God may have used the same narrative of 3000 years ago to sort of reincarnate a very similar narrative for America today.

For example, Cahn compared King Joram (the Heir) to former President Barack Obama. Joram’s reign as King of Northern Israel was 12 years and stated that Obama’s reign of American leadership was when he first spoke at the 2004 Democrat Presidential Convention as a Senator, and four years later he’d become President for eight years. It might be a stretch to insinuate that Obama ruled America from ’04 thru ’08, as a U.S. Senator from Illinois.

One specific Odiorne said he had a problem with was insinuating that a character like Jezebel, who was well-documented as a very evil woman in the Bible, is like Hillary Clinton. Regardless of one’s political affiliation, it might be a little insulting to give the impression that that could be Biblical truth. We also discussed one Parallel, which Cahn made from his book, the similarity between Baal worship — often offering children as sacrifices — to today’s Pro Choice movement in America, which allowed for more than 60 million aborted fetuses since the passage of Roe v. Wade in 1963.

Since it was obvious that Odiorne didn’t really care too much for, ‘The Paradigm’ book, we discussed some of the 2020 plans for Merrimack Valley Baptist Church, like its Discipleship Training Program, Bread ministry, as well as upcoming plans for the Easter holiday and its annual Summer Vacation Bible School.

Aside from that, we compared the difference between God’s Judgement and Satan’s evil on the world. Since the editor of the magazine, ‘Christianity Today’ wrote a commentary urging Donald Trump to step down as President, which was immediately followed by popular evangelist Franklin Graham countering those viewpoints, we discussed a little bit about that as well and what to look for in the upcoming 2020 election.

If you wish to learn more about the Merrimack Valley Baptist Church, please log onto: .

Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro theme song for this episode.

This is an absolutely must watch for any Christian pondering how they should vote in an upcoming election.

Among the topics discussed are: negative campaign ads, speaking one’s mind, weighing in on a candidate’s stance on Abortion and Homosexual marriage, are the economy and jobs most important, Kentucky Town Clerk Kim Davis’ situation, the Supreme Court’s ruling on making Homosexual marriage “the law of the land”, nurses being forced to tell pregnant women about abortion options, etc. Basically, we’re trying to figure out how Jesus Christ would vote in the 2016 Presidential election.

Stephen Hackett, an intern from the Merrimack Valley Baptist Church in Merrimack NH, is my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’.