Archives for category: Jesus died for our sins and rose from the grave

According to THIS scripture, Christianity is probably the ONLY Religion in the World, which Eternal Salvation is NOT based on “Works” (or anything we physically accomplish here on Earth) but rather our Faith that Jesus Christ died for our Sins & then rose from the Grave so that we might be forever eternally Saved.

Is there now any Question, whatsoever, regarding God amply providing us all with a “Receipt”?

If the Bible states in the book of 1 Corinthians that God would not want His followers ignorant on spiritual matters, then why do most individuals have so many problems comprehending on what it’s actually stating?

Dr. Larry Moyer, CEO and Founder of EvanTell ministry, headquartered in Dallas TX, has devoted the majority of his life to devising a “clear and simple Gospel message” so that folks can more easily grasp what exactly God is trying to convey in His Word, a.k.a. the Bible.

“The 66 books of the Bible — or the entire Gospel message — can be summed up in just 10 simple words: Jesus died for our sins, and rose from the grave,” Moyer said.

Moyer, who had a severe speech impediment problem as a child but always wanted to be an Evangelist, prayed back then that if God delivered him from that condition, Moyer would work to help others better understand the scriptures. He said that the two biggest reasons Christians don’t share the Gospel message with others are: 1) They’re afraid, and, 2) They don’t know how. The EvanTell ministry helps people get over their fears to become better witnesses for Jesus.

In an EvanTell Gospel tract titled, May I Ask You A Question?‘ (which might be the most popular, and widely requested, item in that ministry), Moyer outlines an easy-to-follow Bad News/Good News approach with ample scripture verses to attaining eternal salvation via “trusting in Christ alone” and making Jesus the personal Lord and Savior in your life.

For further information on the EvanTell ministry or anything stated in this aforementioned video, please log onto: , or call its headquarters at: (214) 420-6326.

(Wow, a clear and simple presentation to the Gospel – why didn’t somebody ever think of this before?

The following is the contents of a Gospel tract published and distributed by a ministry called, EvanTell, out of Dallas TX. I met the founder of this ministry, Dr. Larry Moyer, who preached several months ago at my church in New Hampshire. Moyer basically summed up the entire Gospel in 10 simple words: Jesus died for our sins, and rose from the grave. He uses what he refers to as: The Bad News-Good News approach to leading people to the Lord.

Personally, I think Moyer’s approach is about a zillion times easier than trying to burden people with things right off the bat like: Repentance, Trinity, Speaking in Tongues, Water Baptism, a Crown of Righteousness, and a ton of other things that make up a 50-Step gauntlet to supposedly make it into Heaven for all eternity. Where exactly does it state in the Bible that a person must be “The World’s Foremost Authority” on all these items BEFORE God would even consider them candidates for eternity in Heaven? How are people in Third World countries with little-to-no education, for example, supposed to grasp a complex instruction guide to attain Eternal Life?

If God did that, He’d have to be a, Respector of Persons, which the Bible specifically states, He’s NOT. And when Jesus told the good malefactor on the cross next to Him that he’d spend eternity in Heaven with Him from this day forward, He NEVER subjected him to some type of ridiculous long process – Jesus just wanted for that guy to believe in Him as his personal Lord and Savior. Also, aren’t the 10 Commandments all neatly contained in just one (1) chapter of the Bible, Exodus 20? I think God wants to keep important stuff like Eternal Salvation clear and simple, it’s the religious zealots of this world that want to make it confusing.

So does Dr. Moyer’s approach to leading someone to the Lord make sense, more so than say, most church’s approach on this subject? Personally, I think that becoming a “complete Christian” in God’s eyes is more like a “lifetime work in progress” rather than a “magical overnight type transformation”, which most religious zealots make it out to be. I’d love to hear your thoughts.)

may I ask you a question?

Has anyone ever taken a Bible and shown you how you can know for sure that you’re going to Heaven?

The Bible contains both bad news and good news. The bad news is something about YOU. The good news is something about GOD.

Bad News #1 — Romans 3:23

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

Analogy: Throwing a rock and trying to hit the North Pole. You might be able to throw a rock further than me, but both of us will be short of the mark. We have all come short of God’s standard of perfection. In thoughts, words, and deeds we have not been perfect.

But the bad news gets worse…

Bad News #2 — Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death.

Analogy: Suppose you worked for me and I paid you $50. That $50 was your wages. That’s what you earned. The Bible says that by sinning, we have earned death. That means we deserve to die and be separated from God forever.

Since there was no way we could come to God, the Bible says that God came to us!

Good News #1 — Romans 5:8

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Analogy: Suppose you are in a hospital dying of Cancer. I come to you and say, “Let’s take the Cancer cells from your body and put them in my body.”

If that were possible,

What would happen to me? What would happen to you?
I would die and you would live. I would die in your place.

The Bible says Christ took the penalty that we deserved for sin, placed it upon Himself, and died in our place. Three days later, Christ came back to life to prove that sin and death had been conquered and that His claims to be God were true.

Just as the bad news got worse, the good news gets better!

Good News #2 — Ephesians 2:8-9

For it is by grace you have been saved (delivered from sin’s penalty), through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast.

Faith means trust.

Q. What must you trust Christ for?
A. You must depend on Him alone to forgive you and to give you eternal life.

Analogy: Just as you trust a chair to hold you through no effort of your own, so you must trust Jesus Christ to get you to Heaven through no effort of your own.

But you may say:

“I’m religious.”
“I go to church.”
“I’m a good person.”
“I help the poor.”
“I don’t do anything that’s really bad.”

These are all good, but good living, going to church, helping the poor, or any other good thing you might do cannot get you to Heaven. You must trust in Jesus Christ alone, and God will give you eternal life as a gift.

Is there anything keeping you from trusting Christ right now?

Think carefully. There is nothing more important than your need to trust Christ.

Would you like to tell God you are trusting Jesus Christ as your Savior? If you would, why not pray right now and tell God you are trusting His Son?

Remember – It is not a prayer that saves you. It is trusting Jesus Christ that saves you. Prayer is simply how you tell God what you are doing.

Dear God, I know I’m a sinner. I know my sin deserves to be punished. I believe Christ died for me and rose from the grave. I trust Jesus Christ alone as my Savior. Thank You for the forgiveness and everlasting life I now have. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

What just happened?

John 5:24 — Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.

* Did you “hear” God’s word?

• Did you “believe” what God said and trust Christ as your Savior?

• Does “has everlasting life” mean later or right now?

• Does it say “shall not come into judgment” or might not?

• Does it say “has passed from death” or shall pass?

Eternal life is based on fact, NOT feeling.

What do you do now?

Having trusted Christ as your ONLY way to Heaven, here’s how to grow in your relationship with Him:

• Tell God what’s on your mind through prayer (Philippians 4:6-7)

• Read the Bible daily, to learn more about Him and learn from Him (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Start in the book of Philippians.

• Worship with God’s people in a local church (Hebrews 10:24-25).

• Tell others about Jesus Christ (Matthew 4:19).