If the Bible states in the book of 1 Corinthians that God would not want His followers ignorant on spiritual matters, then why do most individuals have so many problems comprehending on what it’s actually stating?

Dr. Larry Moyer, CEO and Founder of EvanTell ministry, headquartered in Dallas TX, has devoted the majority of his life to devising a “clear and simple Gospel message” so that folks can more easily grasp what exactly God is trying to convey in His Word, a.k.a. the Bible.

“The 66 books of the Bible — or the entire Gospel message — can be summed up in just 10 simple words: Jesus died for our sins, and rose from the grave,” Moyer said.

Moyer, who had a severe speech impediment problem as a child but always wanted to be an Evangelist, prayed back then that if God delivered him from that condition, Moyer would work to help others better understand the scriptures. He said that the two biggest reasons Christians don’t share the Gospel message with others are: 1) They’re afraid, and, 2) They don’t know how. The EvanTell ministry helps people get over their fears to become better witnesses for Jesus.

In an EvanTell Gospel tract titled, May I Ask You A Question?‘ (which might be the most popular, and widely requested, item in that ministry), Moyer outlines an easy-to-follow Bad News/Good News approach with ample scripture verses to attaining eternal salvation via “trusting in Christ alone” and making Jesus the personal Lord and Savior in your life.

For further information on the EvanTell ministry or anything stated in this aforementioned video, please log onto: EvanTell.org , or call its headquarters at: (214) 420-6326.