Archives for category: lumber

Wow, what a difference a year makes! The cost of five (5) different items literally going thru the proverbial roof. Two different Presidents both running our Country during the same Worldwide COVID Pandemic. Two completely different, polar opposite results.

Hey Facebook Fact Checkers — “Missing Context”, now that’s pretty funny. If I recall correctly, going into the Presidential Election last November, the Liberal Media blamed COVID-19 on Donald Trump despite the fact that it’s a “WORLDWIDE VIRUS”. Trump DID pushed to get the Vaccines into fruition via Operation Warp Speed, despite the fact that the Media NEVER gives Trump credit for that. Joe Biden, incidentally, was COVID vaccinated during the Trump administration. Go figure.

The aforementioned Meme was posted on my Facebook page, only to get a little blurb afterwards by the Facebook ‘Fact Checkers’ basically claiming that it was COVID-19, and NOT President Joe Biden, as to “WHY” the prices of Lumber and Gasoline are so high right now in America.

What absolutely sucks about the Facebook Fact Checker system is they’ll shade your Meme or posting, but they refuse to come on your Facebook page for any type of back-and-forth exchange. For example, it was Donald Trump, NOT Joe Biden, who was President during the first 9-10 months of COVID. So why didn’t Gas, Lumber, etc., go thru the roof in cost during the Trump administration?

So many questions Mark Zuckerberg (CEO of Facebook), so few answers.

Could the reason(s) possibly be, Mr. Zuckerberg, that on Day 1 of his Presidency this past January, Biden terminated “Fracking” as well as the Keystone Pipeline — Ya think that might’ve resulted in higher Gas prices in the USA?

I realize, Mr. Zuckerberg, that defending President Joseph Robinette Biden is sort of like “putting a shine on a sneaker” but I think you’re really stretching the excuses here when you want to blame rising gas and lumber prices on COVID-19. Meanwhile, when I see on my Facebook page that your ‘Fact Checkers’ don’t have the Testicular Fortitude to admit they’re WRONG on this case, I’ll know then that it YOU backing them up 100 percent.