Archives for category: MAGA hat

So I guess I can understand why some people truly dislike Tom Brady, especially if he happens to be playing against your favorite football team. But as this blogger, Mark Dice is bringing out in this video, I have ZERO respect for anyone rooting against Brady from either of these two fronts.

First of all, I guess some “beautiful people” were rooting for Kansas City Chief’s quarterback Patrick Mahomes to win this year’s Super Bowl just because February is, ‘Black History Month’. Mahomes, incidentally, is ONLY half Black but I guess that makes him MORE Black than Brady, who’s 100 percent Caucasian.

The 2nd Most Stupid Reason to Root Against Brady (which I think might be even more stupid than the last one), a sports reporter saw a, ‘Make America Great Again’ red hat in Brady’s locker prior to the 2016 Presidential election, and Brady — much to his credit — has never publicly explained or apologized for having that hat in his locker.

Brady did say at the time that he had played golf with Donald Trump once or twice, but nothing more detailed than that.

Since that time, Brady has been unfairly branded by the mainstream Media as a, Trump supporter, very similar to the situation, former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling is currently being rejected by the sports writers from ever being inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Absolutely Stupid, Asinine Reasons to dislike, especially the sports accomplishments, of either Brady or Schilling.

After performing his new hit song, M.A.G.A./Y.M.C.A. parody, Ricky Rebel gave his #WalkAway testimony as to WHY he left the Democrat party to become a Trump supporter.

YouTube blogger Karlyn Borysenko, who’s part of the #WalkAway Movement, which is a group of former Liberals who changed their political allegiance to support Donald Trump, talked about two of her colleagues Brandon Straka and Mike Harlow who were attacked in a vicious homophobic incident following the Republican National Convention Thursday night just outside the White House.

The verbal and physical assaults were allegedly initiated by Black Lives Matter activists, who were present throughout the evening blasting sirens and horns in an attempt to disrupt Donald Trump’s Republican Candidate’s Acceptance Speech.

After the event, when attendees were leaving the White House lawn was when the BLM activists started harassing the people walking towards their vehicles or hotels. Among those targeted were Republican U.S. Senator Rand Paul and his wife, who were fortunate enough to have nearby Police Officers help escort the couple to their Hotel.

What was especially amazing was that other than FOX News, no other media outlet chose to cover the fact that two gay men, Straka and Harlow were physically and verbally attacked with homophobic slurs YET last year, when a gay actor, Jussie Smolett fabricated a story on how he was attacked by two guys wearing MAGA hats these same media outlets went nuts.


It’s got to be stressful to address millions of Americans on TV and Internet via the 2020 Republican National Convention. It’s got to be even a little more stressful when you’re just a high school kid and about a year earlier, you were part of a national media controversy because you had the audacity to wear a ‘Make America Great Again’ hat along with some of your classmates in Washington D.C.

This is basically what happened to Nicholas Sandmann of Covington, Kentucky and his life hasn’t been quite the same since. While touring the Lincoln Memorial at our nation’s capital, a man dressed up like an Indian was banging a drum inches from his face. Several media outlets like ‘Fake News’ CNN and the Washington Post reported that Sandmann somehow initiated the man’s anger probably because of his wearing of a MAGA hat and also had a smirk on his face. Sandmann and his family then filed a Defamation of Character lawsuit against a number of outlets and both CNN and the Washington Post agreed to settle with Sandmann before going to Court.

Sandmann then got the last laugh, however, by addressing the Republican National Convention and ending his speech by putting on his MAGA hat and saying to his audience, let’s Make American Great Again. Ouch!