Archives for category: marijuana

Two managers from the Good Samaritan Network — Dick Kiernan, executive director; and Joe Johnsick, chairman of the GSN Advisory Board — served as my guests for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’. This interview took place at the Access Nashua studio on, Thurs., 9/24/20.

Good Samaritan Network, incidentally, is an addiction awareness advocacy group headquartered in Bedford NH. Situated solely here in the Granite State, GSN works to bridge a harmonious relationship between churches, rehabilitation groups, and those who might be addicted to drugs or alcohol. According to its website, GSN is an outreach ministry of the New Hampshire Alliance, and based on the Biblical parable of the Good Samaritan outlined in Luke, Chapter 10.

Both Kiernan and Johnsick were very passionate to point out, even though GSN is a Christian based organization, it’s more than willing to work with non-Christians or Atheists in an effort to hopefully deliver and heal a person from drugs and alcohol.

Among the topics we discussed were: NH addictions in relationship to COVID-19, did President Trump’s southern border wall have any impact thus far on the Opioid crisis in NH, with drug and alcohol addictions is there such a thing as “generational curses” effecting parents and their children, and what they thought of Marijuana possibly becoming ‘legal’ in NH and if they thought this was a “gateway drug” to more powerful drugs such as Cocaine, Heroine, or Angel Dust?

Also, if you’d like to know more about GSN, please feel free to log onto its website, .

Local singer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro theme song for this episode.

Why would any Black or Latino, with at least a half a brain in their head, vote for Biden for President on Nov. 3rd? Here we’ve got a video with Biden’s VP running mate, Kamala Harris giggling about incarcerating Parents in California whose children were guilty of Truancy from School.

Why I would say this would effect mostly Black and Latino kids is because affluent White kids usually never get nailed for skipping school.

The reason I would question Blacks or Latinos for voting for Biden for President is because most Americans don’t believe Biden is fit enough to complete the next four years as President, hence his VP running mate would take over.

In addition to this video, Kamala Harris also busted Black and Latino kids on Marijuana charges YET Harris freely admits herself that she often smoked Marijuana in college.


This is funny as Hell — When it comes to registered Black & Latino voters in America, who would you assume they like better: Donald Trump or Kamala Harris? I guess if you view this question from the perspective of locking up a ton of Black & Latino people in California on phony-balony Marijuana charges, then Kamala becomes the person you definitely hate more. One of the better YouTube bloggers I follow is this guy, Liberal Hivemind, and apparently since Biden picked Harris as his V.P. running mate last week, more than likely Black & Latino voters have now surged in Trump’s favor. If that trend holds up thru Nov. 3rd, it could spell, Landslide victory for Trump’s reelection. Does anybody honestly think Trump will lose any momentum when him and Biden actually start Debating? I rest my case.