Archives for category: mental acumen

$64,000 Question — Does Republican Presidential hopeful Nikki Haley have an EXCELLENT point that Presidential candidates over 75 yoa ought to be REQUIRED to successfully pass a Mental Cognitive Exam BEFORE they can serve as President??? YouTube blogger Andrew, of the Podcast, ‘Don’t Walk Run Productions’ raises some rather fascinating reasons to support Ms. Haley’s proposal regarding some of the recent actions of President Joe Biden. This video is approximately 13 minutes long.

So let me see if I’ve got this straight — is it in “poor taste”, or just plain “ignorant” for any American to publicly say, “Joe Biden has ‘early Alzheimer’s disease'”, or even “early Cognitive decline”? REALLY? Remember just a couple years ago, when Liberal journalists and pundits said basically the same thing about then-President Donald Trump? YouTube blogger, Trump Fan Network 2, did an EXCELLENT compilation video of a side-by-side comparison of various “media pundits” throwing their “Alzheimer’s shots” at Trump & Biden during various stages of their respective administrations. Enjoy:

Can you say “Impeachment of a Psychiatrist”? Meet Bandy X. Lee, a Forensic Psychiatrist at Yale University, who diagnosed Donald Trump (a person she never met in her life, which diagnosing him is totally prohibited in the Psychiatry profession) and concluded that Trump is mentally unfit to serve as President. Funny thing, when asked recently what she thought about Joe Biden’s mental competence, Dr. Lee suddenly played “the ethics card” and refused to give any comment about any signs of early Alzheimer’s disease effecting the Democrat Presidential front-runner. Gee, I wonder why?