Archives for category: moral pig

$64,000 Question: After watching this video by that great half-Scottish comedian K-Von, how would YOU best describe President Joe Biden’s “Bedside Manner” — A very sick, Super Predator, OR, An extremely Normal, Red-Blooded America Boy? Secondly, do YOU believe the Biden Administration will lead America back to Moral Decency?

$64,000 Question: So why isn’t the Mainstream Media covering the alleged sexual assault of Georgia Democrat Senate hopeful Raphael Warnock against his ex-wife when he ran over her foot with his car recently?

It seems like it’s very similar to the Media ignoring the sexual assault allegations of former Biden staffer Tara Reade against the now President-Elect, YET, two years ago the Media had now qualms attacking then-Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh over supposed rape charges of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford with ZERO evidence from about 37 years earlier.



$64,000 Question: What exactly happened to the Lady who was a former staffer of then-Senator Joe Biden back in the early 90’s, and earlier this year accused Sleepy Joe of Sexually Assaulting her back then?

I guess the answer would be, she wrote a Book about the whole experience that can be purchased just in time for Christmas.

Tara Reade recently appeared on Newsmax TV to promote her new book, ‘Left Out: When the Truth Doesn’t Fit In’. Another interesting point about this 5-and-a-half minute video interview is, I wasn’t aware that Heather Childers (the interviewer) apparently jumped from FOX News to Newsmax TV.

Lastly, is it safe to assume that Ms. Reade’s new book will NOT be posted on either the New York Times’, or Amazon’s ‘Best Seller List’ regardless on how many people purchase this book?





Wow, so just when everybody ASS-U-Med that Tara Reade (former staffer for then-Senator Joe Biden in the early 90’s who accused Sleepy Joe of Sexual Assault) is now being interviewed for a show called, “60 Minutes Australia” within 30 days of the U.S. Presidential election.

It’s amazing how Ms. Reade’s accusations disappeared into obscurity while something like a stupid publication can print fabricated statements about what Donald Trump supposedly said about fallen soldiers and everybody accepts that as ‘Gospel Truth‘???

Personally, I tend to believe Ms. Reade’s testimony against her former boss. Just take a look sometime on Google Images how Biden likes to approach women from behind to either sniff their hair, or kiss them in the back of the neck — sometimes, even underage girls, and most times, NOT his wife.

If we’re not even going to publicly investigate Ms. Reade’s accusations, do we really want to have a Moral Pig like Joe Biden serving as our, President?