Archives for category: NH Congressional District 2
Lily Tang Williams shown here as a young girl growing up in Communist China.
Proudly displaying the flag of her new Country, Ms. Williams hopes to bring her knowledge & enthusiasm to the U.S. Congress next year, via a victory in NH’s 2nd Congressional District race.

My op-ed in @ConMonitorNews – 2021 to celebrate July 4th Independence Day- “The forefathers shattered my Communist chains

My story begins in Chengdu, China, at the dawn of the Cultural Revolution, an insanity that gripped millions of my countrymen.

We were destitute, as were most Chinese during this period. We lived in a primitive worker’s row house by a river sharing one tarp-covered outhouse and one water faucet with eight families. We had a mud floor that, after occasional flooding, would sprout mushrooms.

My parents were illiterate workers, so their positions in the state factory were too low to be rationed much food. A full belly was a luxury. My uncle even taught me how to trap rats for food. All we knew was a life of arduous labor and chaos.

Little time was spent thinking of philosophical fantasies concerning ‘oppression’ and ‘rights,’ so we labored to survive, hoping only that we would endure. Despite the socialist rhetoric, school and childcare were not free. I even missed school for a year to babysit my infant brother. Yet despite the few resources available to Chinese students, I committed all of my energy to excel in school when I could go. But in Communist China, even fleeting joy is crushed in the young by ideological rigidity, for I was denied entry into Mao’s ‘Young Pioneers.’

The pain was not in the denial but in learning that my friend reported me for showing ‘too much pride in my grades.’ From that moment forward I was the model communist citizen. I wrote ideologically validating diaries. I memorized Mao’s words. I recited his political slogans as prayer and made sure that every word I uttered was politically correct. Mao was our god, and I was his faithful disciple. This mindset served me well for a time, for when Mao shut down all churches and temples, I mourned not.

In 1976, when I was 12 years old, Mao died and the Cultural Revolution came to an end. When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) admitted that Mao was only a man and the Cultural Revolution was just a mistake, my faith in the CCP began to crack. China’s renaissance began, colleges reopened and after years of hard work and preparation I was able to pass the national entrance exam. I was accepted into a top tiered university to study law. I had hopes that China should not be ruled by men, but by law.

Yet even the law was but an extension of the wills of men, modeled after the Soviet Union legal code. It was the antithesis of justice. I learned an important lesson from Mao’s regime: to become a slave, the ‘true horrors’ are not the shackles placed around one’s wrists, but the ones that are self-imposed. No longer secured by the shackles of cognitive slavery, but not able to find solace in a just code of laws, I became cynical and rebellious, even befriending foreign students on campus to learn if there was more to life.

It was during this time I met an American student. What he showed me would forever change my life — the Declaration of Independence. When I read the lines, ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident… (that all men) are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,’ they shattered what remained of my mental shackles.

What ideas! Rights come not from the benevolence of the state, but from God? All I had ever known were ‘collective rights,’ the workers’ rights, the rights of peasants, etc. Never had I imagined that I, an individual, had rights. Those words only served to embolden me and my dreams. Knowing where they came from, I began to look to that ‘City upon a Hill.’ I eventually made it to America in 1988.

In the decades since, I have thrived in this great country. I earned my graduate degree, married, raised three children, started my own business, searched for deeper truths, learned much about liberty and the free market, rid myself of CCP indoctrination, naturalized as a U.S. citizen and volunteered in my local community.

Lately, in my spare time I have traveled around the country to share my personal stories and educate our youth about the horrors of Communism. I always defend the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, the documents with the words that freed me from my enslavement and helped me choose America as my home. I have always wanted to thank our founding fathers who wrote the Declaration of Independence, the most beautiful document ever written.”

Please contribute to my campaign for Congress to defend our Republic and American values:

Jason Riddle, a Keene NH resident who served 90 days in Federal prison for his involvement in the January 6th Insurrection (J6), has publicly announced his intentions of running for the Republican nomination of the U.S. Representative to New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District (NH-2) in 2024. Although Riddle said he had sent a, Letter of Intention of running to the Federal Campaign Commission for this U.S. Rep seat next year, he appeared for an interview on my government-access T.V. show, ‘Frankly Speaking’, at the Nashua Public TV studio on 1-31-23.

Riddle, or whoever should win next year’s Republican nomination in this race, will tentatively run against Incumbent Democrat Congresswoman Ann Kuster in the 2024 General Election.

In our interview, we rehashed Riddle’s J6 experience, along with his subsequent 3-month stay at the Devens Federal Correction Facility (formerly known as, Fort Devens Army Base), in Massachusetts. Actually, Riddle was a candidate for this same Congressional seat last year. But since Riddle served his prison sentence just prior to the 2022 Primary Election, he realized that his chances of actually “winning” were somewhere around, slim-to-none due to the fact that he wasn’t able to physically participate in any of the scheduled candidates’ debates. Therefore, Riddle managed to post on his Facebook page within the first month of his sentence that he was withdrawing his candidacy from that race.

We talked about any advantage(s) a candidate might have to campaign for an office, like U.S. Rep, for almost two years (which is just about the entire elected term of that office). Riddle mentioned he’d love to purchase either a tee shirt or hoodie with an inscription like: ‘Riddle for U.S. Congress’ on the front of it, and then maybe go into some of the Diners in the Cities and Towns of NH’s 2nd Congressional District and just get into conversations with the folks there and campaign for their Votes. Also, Riddle could also attend special community events like Fourth of July celebrations, or maybe Memorial Day or maybe Thanksgiving parades and just meet and talk to people.

I ribbed Riddle a little bit about coming on my T.V. show wearing a Plaid Neck Tie, along with a Plaid Shirt, but he shot right back that he was a unique individual who didn’t care too much about fashion.

Riddle also might’ve been the only political candidate appearing on, ‘Frankly Speaking’, to use an email address, ‘‘ , rather than a regular campaign website. I reminded Riddle that there are websites like: , or , that offer people FREE websites which, a political candidate, like himself, could amply lists all the major Issues of their campaign, along with offer people a dialogue exchange which they can ask any questions of anything they wish.

The Keene resident assured me that a campaign website would be forthcoming, but there are still a couple of ways people can contact him if they really wanted to. On Facebook, he’d be the Jason Riddle who’s shown in his Profile photo, with a tee shirt that reads, “Hillary for Cellmate 2022”, and his cover photo is a red Meme with a white fist that read, “Let’s Take Congress by Storm”.

Incidentally, if you’d rather not become a ‘Facebook Friend’ of Jason Riddle, you can still ‘Message’ him through that forum, as long as you have an account yourself on Facebook.

Also, if you wish to call or text Riddle personally, then you can contact him by just dialing (203) 464-3984 . I must say that I was mildly surprised when Riddle publicly divulged that tidbit on my show like that.

Should Riddle obtain a campaign website within the not-too-distant future, I will gladly post it here on this blog.

Lastly, local entertainer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart Records, sang the intro and outro song, “Comin and Goin” to this particular episode.

And Very Lastly, Mr. Riddle wanted me to remind everybody that any Financial Contributions for his 2024 U.S. Rep election campaign are all extremely welcomed and appreciated.

Incumbent Democrat congresswoman Ann Kuster, and Republican challenger Bob Burns get ready for their televised candidate’s debate, for the 2022 Midterm Election in New Hampshire’s Second congressional district (NH-02). This Debate was sponsored by New Hampshire Public Radio.

If you happen to reside in New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional district (NH-02), please check out this 1-hour Debate between incumbent Democrat Ann Kuster, and Republican challenger Bob Burns. It looks like the modern-day version of, King Kong vs. Godzilla. Above everything else, please make it a point to vote in the upcoming Midterm Election on Tuesday, Nov. 8th.

U.S. Rep candidate (NH-02) Lily Tang Williams
Convicted Insurrectionist Jason Riddle

Keene NH resident Jason Riddle, who recently finished serving a 3-month Prison sentence in Devens MA, for his role in the January 6th (2021) Insurrection, publicly posted on his Facebook page last Friday (9/9/22), a 180 degree endorsement flip regarding a political seat he once hoped to serve in Washington D.C.

Riddle had gone in the Capitol building on the day of that fateful event, walked into a Senator’s office, chugged a bottle of wine from a nearby rack, took a Selfie with his iPhone drinking it, and then helped himself to a Senator’s “Procedures” book which he proceeded to sell on eBay for about $50.

Soon afterwards, the FBI — who probably noticed the Selfies posted on his Social Media pages — charged Riddle for Trespassing and Theft, Riddle proceeded to pull nomination papers to run for U.S. Representative in New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District. Planning to have his prison time amply completed by the September 13th Primary Election, Riddle had hoped to campaign and debate enough to win that initial contest to get the opportunity to challenge and defeat incumbent Democrat Ann Kuster, thus becoming  our next Congressman.

After about a month in Prison, Riddle managed to post on his Facebook page that he had a change of heart on remaining a Congressional candidate and chose at that point to just suspend his campaign. Since Riddle was familiar with George Hansel as the mayor of Keene, he threw the full endorsement of his candidacy, and encouraged all his supporters back then to vote for Hansel.

Now, move the timeline ahead to within a week prior to the Primary election, and Riddle has yet another change of heart. Instead of his own mayor, Riddle is now pushing Lily Tang Williams for the same U.S. Rep seat. “I jumped the gun when I backed Hansel, I’m jumping ship and backing Lily all the way!” That was the statement Riddle posted on his Facebook page just above a photo of Lily on Friday, 9/9.

What exactly prompted Riddle to change his mind again to now endorse Williams over Hansel in the Congressional race? Who knows. Given Riddle’s track record and reputation in NH over the past couple years, I’m not quite sure if Ms. Williams should be happy or worried about that type of endorsement.

Convicted Insurrectionist Jason Riddle withdraws U.S. Rep candidacy campaign; now endorses Keene NH Mayor George Hansel

(The following statement was posted on Jason Riddle’s Facebook page earlier this evening, Tuesday, 6/7/22, at approximately 10:30 p.m.)

A quick update from my fenced in country club (the only thing this place is missing is a swimming pool!):

Sadly, I will be withdrawing from the Congressional race for New Hampshire’s 2nd District. George Hansel, the present mayor of Keene, has announced he will be throwing his hat into the ring, virtually annihilating any chance I had for victory. As such, I believe continuing to run would be fruitless and detract votes from Mayor Hansel. I believe having Mayor Hansel elected into Congress will be very good for the community.

Mayor Hansel is a successful Republican politician in a mostly democratic town. He has what it takes to beat Kuster!

Is Riddle planning to author a book on his “Insurrection” experience ?

(The following blurb was posted in response on Riddle’s Facebook page by somebody just minutes after he posted the aforementioned.)

Mr. Riddle, is there any truth to the rumor that you’re currently writing a Book during your Prison stay on your entire “Insurrection” experience, which, if successful, would make YOU the ONLY “Convicted” Insurrectionist to author a Book on that very “Deadly” January 6th (2021) event in Washington D.C. ?

Jason Riddle of Keene NH, was my guest on this episode of ‘Frankly Speaking’, which was taped at the Access Nashua studio on April 27, 2022.

Besides hoping to become the U.S. Congressman in New Hampshire’s 2nd District (which includes Nashua), via the Republican Primary nomination, Mr. Riddle established a rather unorthodox reputation for himself last year when he was arrested for his actions following the January 6th Insurrection in Washington D.C.

Specifically, Riddle entered an unoccupied legislator’s office, helped himself to a bottle off a nearby wine rack, and started “chugging it” all while taking Selfies of himself with his cellphone. On his way out the door, Riddle swiped a Senator’s Orientation book, which he soon wound up selling on e-bay. Unfortunately for Riddle, he posted his favorite photos from the Insurrection on his Facebook page, and a few of his “friends” apparently reported it to the FBI.

Long story short, Riddle was recently sentenced to 90 days in Federal prison, along with having to pay several hundred dollars in restitution. He plans to start serving his sentence the later part of this month (May) after finishing his current college courses.

So why the heck would Riddle want to run for U.S. Congress at this particular awkward time in his personal life?

Riddle was quoted as saying when he was interviewed by a Reporter from NBC Boston that he feels he has a great shot at winning this Election because of the notoriety he’s gotten thus far from his January 6th Insurrection experience. As the old cliche goes, BAD News is a heck of a lot better than ZERO News — or something like that.

If elected, Riddle said he hopes to push New Hampshire to legalize Marijuana and generate tax revenue similar to that of neighboring Massachusetts and Vermont. He also vows to only take half of the $174K of a Congressman’s annual salary to also help the state of New Hampshire.

This was a rather interesting interview by Mr. Riddle as he”s a military veteran of both the Army Reserve and the Navy Reserve, he was a former Letter Carrier with the Postal Service, he was a former Corrections Officer, and there’s even a video on YouTube back when he was 18 and trying his luck as a Stand-up Comedian.

Whether or not Riddle has a “snowball’s chance in hell” on actually winning this election and becoming a U.S. Congressman is pretty hard to comprehend. He figures that his 90-Day prison sentence will take him away from his campaign for the entire months of June thru August — since the Republican Primary election is scheduled on Tuesday, September 13th, he’ll be expected to spend the crux of his campaign in prison.

During the interview, I encouraged Riddle to perhaps follow in the footsteps of psychopath John Hinkley Jr., (who actually shot then President Ronald Reagan back in 1981) who’ll be performing with his guitar in Brooklyn N.Y. to an already sold-out arena. I told Riddle he’s probably be a lot better off if he authored a book, about his whole Insurrection experience rather than try to take advantage of it by running for Congress. I guess we’ll know for sure within the next couple months.

Unlike most other candidates running for political office, Riddle doesn’t have a campaign website. If you wish to get in contact with him, please email him at: .

Local entertainer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang both the Intro and Outro theme songs to this particular episode.

My recent guest on, ‘Frankly Speaking’ was Robert Burns (nicknamed, The Poet) of Bedford NH, who’s a 2022 Republican candidate for U.S. Congress, New Hampshire Congressional District 2, (NH-2). This interview took place in the Access Nashua studio on Aug. 25, 2021.

Burns, who has been active in several previous Republican campaigns, is currently stumping NH early to help build his financial campaign war chest. After he explained his background and why he wanted to serve as a U.S. Rep, we discussed numerous issues regarding items NH residents definitely wanted to know about as to where various candidates stood.

We started talking about the “issues” beginning with Critical Race Theory, and Cancel Culture. We went from that to talking about President Joe Biden’s stance on how the American military exited Afghanistan, and hypothetically, if the Republicans regained both the Senate and the House of Reps next year in 2022, would he help push Biden to be Impeached from the Presidency?

Should the Democrats maintain its majority in Congress next year, we talked about the potential of “stacking” the U.S. Supreme Court from nine Justices to 13. As well as the possibility of making both Washington D.C., and the territory of Puerto Rico “States” and thus, increasing the number of Reps and Senators in Congress.

We talked about the possibility of regulating “Big Tech” (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Google) putting them all on the same plateau with newspapers, TV stations, etc., when it comes to censoring, and libel lawsuits.

Lastly, we talked a little bit about the Insurrection attack on the Capitol building this past January 6th, as well as the Black Lives Matters protests in the major U.S. cities in the summer of 2020.

For those who wish to learn more about Robert Burns’ stance on the issues or his congressional candidacy, please log onto: .