Archives for category: opioid epidemic

Greg Winslow of, If My People New England ministry in Manchester NH was my guest for this episode of ‘Frankly Speaking’. This particular interview took place in the Access Nashua studio on 9/8/20.

Winslow and his Ministry are planning two Prayer Forums: 1) In Maine on Sunday, September 27th, and, 2) Prayer Forum for the Election on Sunday, November 1st. Both these forums are available for hookup via Zoom, which the specific link code will be made available on the Ministry’s web site: .

Winslow says he believes both these prayer events will produce tremendous displays of signs, miracles, and wonders according to God’s Will as proclaimed in Biblical scripture.

Anyone who wishes to participate in either or both prayer events is welcomed to come down in person, or hook up via Zoom just before the forum begins.

In this particular episode, other than the aforementioned prayer forums, I discussed with Winslow how his Ministry has developed, the Saturday morning prayer walks in Veterans Park in Manchester, and his plans to have made a presentation at the annual Soulfest Christian festival this past August but unfortunately it was postponed, and various challenges posed by the Coronavirus and the Pandemic.

Local singer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the Intro and Outro theme song to this episode.

Retired Army Brigadier General Don Bolduc, who’s a Republican candidate for U.S. Senator, was my guest for this episode — my 50th — of ‘Frankly Speaking’. This interview took place in the Access Nashua studio on Aug. 10, 2020.

Among the issues we discussed included: What his opinion was of President Trump’s handling of the Coronavirus? Is the economy on the right track to make a full recovery from the National Pandemic? Should President Trump supersede the Mayors and Governors in major U.S. cities with National Guard troops to remedy the constant Rioting and Looting problems? What his thoughts were on Mr. and Mrs. McCloskey in St. Louis for defending their home when approached by Rioters and then having their guns seized the following day? Was he aware of the reason incumbent Democratic U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen voted to impeach President Donald Trump from office? With the two major candidates running for President being 70-something, would he be in favor of pushing a Law for a maximum age requirement of running for President? In 2016, there was apparently a Voter Fraud problem regarding Out-of-State college students voting both in New Hampshire, as well as their home States — Has this situation been remedied in the past four years? How does he feel about Mail-in ballots? Do Big Tech companies like, Google, Facebook, and Twitter need to be legally regulated by the government? And, militarily speaking, is China the biggest threat to the United States?

Bolduc is facing a challenge in the Sept. 8th NH Republican Primary election for the U.S. Senate race. If successful, Bolduc will face incumbent Democrat Senator Shaheen in the regular election on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd. If you’d like some more information about his candidacy, please log onto: .

Local singer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the Intro and Outro theme song to this particular episode.