Archives for category: Police

Amen! Quit blaming the Cops that your kid has ZERO discipline and then goes out and causes all kinds of trouble all over the place. You’ve got nobody to blame but yourself that your kid still doesn’t know how to act in public.

Multi millionaire Basketball star LeBron James just doesn’t get it!

About a week after a Cop in Columbus Ohio shot and killed a Black teenage girl, who was just about to stab and kill another Black teenage girl, James took it upon himself to copy/paste that Cop’s picture on his own personal Twitter account, which has approximately 50 million followers on it, with a threatening statement of Your Next, Accountability.

$64,000 Question for LeBron: What about the Black girl whose life was SAVED in that incident?

A day or so later, LeBron deleted the Tweet which he Doxed the Police Officer in question claiming he removed it because of all the “Hate” he was facing because of it. But whose fault is it that LeBron James is such an ignorant jerk?