Archives for category: promise
If President Biden runs for Reelection in 2024, will he be the Democrat’s nominee?
I think that this list of Adjectives just about covers it.

2020 has been a tough year for just about everybody, no doubt. A worldwide Pandemic of Coronavirus since about last March which caused a fair number of people dying as a result; in America, there were violent riots in some of its major cities, which buildings burnt, vehicles destroyed, and public demands to ‘Defund the Police’ were made hoping to bring everything back to some semblance of normalcy.

And, oh yeah, living under Quarantine was definitely no picnic, as families and loved ones were prohibited from meeting in public such as holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, being “required” to constantly wear COVID mask was just an awful inconvenience.

Pastor David Jeremiah offers hope and encouragement for the upcoming year in 2021. In his last Sunday church sermon for 2020, suggests to his followers that they proclaim the scripture verse set forth in Romans 8:28, as a credo to move forward. The verse states:

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Jeremiah especially emphasized that it’s a great scripture to dwell on, especially if you “love God”. This is a great video/sermon, not to mention very timely for the New Year’s holiday, and it doesn’t even last a half hour. Needless to say, I encourage any and all people reading this to actually watch the aforementioned video — it’ll be well-worth your while.