Archives for category: song

WARNING — Kid Rock uses an excessive amount of Vulgarity in this song.

I’m not really a big fan of local singers and musicians — especially if they got a song that last about eight minutes — but this particular guy on YouTube, Mike Noonan, produced something that really caught my attention.

Apparently Noonan was born and raise in Lowell MA, and many of the songs (if not most) on his YouTube channel reflect his upbringing. And what the guy lacks in musical talent, he more than makes up for with the historic photos he uses in his Videos.

I was actually raised in Dracut MA, which is a suburb of Lowell. I’m sort of keeping my fingers crossed that Mr. Noonan could be so kind to produce a song or two about Dracut, and accompany those tunes with several dozen historic photos to make those videos especially interesting. Keep up the fantastic work, Mr. Noonan.

Please check out Mike Noonan’s channel for yourselves on YouTube and draw your own conclusions — if you were raised in the Greater Lowell area, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.