Archives for category: Testicular Fortitude
Rather than sitting back & blaming Donald Trump for ALL the Democrats who were elected in last year’s Midterm election, why didn’t NH governor Chris Sununu get off his excessively fat butt & help endorse the Congressional candidates in his own Backyard??? RESULT – Clean Democrat sweep in NH for both the US Senate seat, & the two US Rep seats. Sununu also FAILED to mention, he was Polling nationally, as well as in his home State of NH, at about 0% for the 2024 Republican Presidential primaries.

What a BLEEPIN Hypocrite our Governor is – it’s ALL about ‘beating Trump’ & ZERO mention about possibly beating the blatantly incompetent incumbent with Dementia, Joseph Robinette Biden.

In last year’s Midterms, Sununu did BLEEPIN Nothing to help campaign for the Republican ticket, which resulted in a Democrat sweep in Congress for NH.

As far as I’m concerned, Sununu is about as, Useless as BLEEPS on a Bull!!! Can YOU say, Useless Pile of Smelly Dog BLEEP?

Approximately 95 percent of Christo Aivalis’ YouTube videos have had AT LEAST some mention of former President Donald Trump, despite the fact that Trump as been a “Private Citizen” now for almost three (3) years. In this photo, Mr. Aivalis appears here as if he’s Constipated or something.

This is what I posted on this particular YouTube video by Mr. Aivalis. As you might’ve already guessed, Christo never bothered to respond to my comments – probably because this little jerk doesn’t have the “Testicular Fortitude” to do so.

First of all, Christo, in this 15 minute video, Congresswoman Bobert was NEVER ‘pelted with food by the audience, from head-to-toe’. Secondly, you titled this video, “Lauren Boebert has been ARRESTED with Her Kids in the Car!”-Another LIE by Mr. Aivalis! “When” & “Where” did U.S. Rep ever get “ARRESTED”, Christo? Lastly, you’re here bitching about Boebert bringing up Donald Trump since he’s been a “Private Citizen” now for almost 3 years – let’s get Honest here, Christo, Donald Trump’s activity has consisted of AT LEAST 95% of YOUR STUPID Blog! Perhaps you ought to do a Blog on how your own Blog here on YouTube really SUCKS!

YouTube blogger Christo Aivalis appears here as if he’s Constipated or something :
A typical Brain-dead patron of, Christo Aivalis’s YouTube blog

Pathetic little YouTube blogger Christo Aivalis, in his vain attempt for 15 minutes of Fame, apparently loves to flex his puny muscles from behind his Internet keyboard, I assume, in an effort to bring the almighty Donald Trump down to his knees.

One teeny, weeny problem with that — Trump has been removed from the U.S. Presidency for about a week now.

Can you say, “Man Crush”? Aivalis definitely strikes me as the type of guy who genuinely gets off on ‘man crushes’, if you know what I mean.

But the only REAL time there’s ever any spike in any of Aivalis’ blog views is when he posts something about the former President. As a point of disclosure, I tried posting comments to Aivalis’ video, publicly calling this jerk out as a Fraud and a Shyster for trying to exploit a guy who recently lost an election, but he’s obviously not man enough to respond to justified criticism on his own YouTube videos.

Oh well, it’s little imbeciles like Mr. Aivalis that gives Journalism a bad name. Maybe one of these days if Christo can ever get up his, Testicular Fortitude, we might just have a conversation some day. Meanwhile, unfortunately, too many gullible and naive Americans will probably assume Joe Biden is doing a “wonderful” job as President due to the fact that hardly anyone is holding him accountable due to the fact that they’re much too busy screwing over Private Citizen Donald Trump.

The following was the blurb attached on a Facebook post, just next to the aforementioned Meme. The exact same statement can be made about Mr. Aivalis’s YouTube page, basically summing up the whole thing:

ESPECIALLY on YouTube — Ain’t this situation the God’s honest truth??? You’ve got these stupid little peon bloggers who, even AFTER Joe Biden was inaugurated as President, keep on posting these asinine “bombshell” videos claiming Trump just lost a major lawsuit, or, Trump’s wife Melania has filed for Divorce, or, Trump lost a court case and now he’s going to Prison for the rest of his life, or, a Judge just nailed Trump for ‘Contempt of Court’ and he’ll be staying in Prison for an unspecified amount of time, etc. Meanwhile, ZERO video postings regarding Joe Biden and anything going on in his administration — gee, I wonder why? Exactly how stupid do they ASS-U-Me the American voters are?