Archives for category: transgender

Another major concern in this controversy, the transgender females are changing clothes in the same locker rooms & showering alongside with the biological females. The school administrators and elected school officials appear to be more concerned with the transgender students rather than the ones who were born the way they are.

So now I sort of know just how the New York Post must’ve felt when no media outlet, other than perhaps FOX News and Newsmax TV, published their story about how a computer repairman in Delaware had Hunter Biden’s laptop computer with compromising information on how he was exploiting his dad in countries like Ukraine and China for millions of dollars under the guise of, “Influence Peddling”.

Since the second Presidential debate needed to be cancelled due to Donald Trump recovering from COVID, the Democrat challenger Joe Biden agreed to do Town Hall type forum with George Stephanopoulos and ABC News. During that production, a woman from the audience said her 8-year-old son was asking her questions about possibly becoming a girl the above Meme accurately reflects what Biden’s response was to this woman. Soon after the event, I noticed this Meme somewhere on the Internet, which I, in turn, tried to post on my Facebook page.

Unfortunately, within about an hour or two, the Facebook, “Fact Checkers” had shaded-out my Meme, with a statement basically stating that Biden never said anything remotely close to that statement, This was also very close to the 2020 Presidential election, and they wouldn’t provide me any phone numbers or email addresses to perhaps communicate this faster.

Long story short, I had no avenue to complain. After seeing what the Mainstream Media had done to the New York Post and its Hunter Biden laptop story. And this also gave the very false perception that Joe Biden was a “squeaky clean”, yet nothing could be further from the truth.

One thing’s for sure, whoever the Republican Presidential nominee is in 2024 will have an enormous climb against not only the Democrat (Biden, Kamala Harris, or whoever), but also against the Mainstream Media and Big Tech (Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.).