Archives for category: Twig Fellowship

John Lynn, president of The Living Truth Fellowship, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’. This was also the first time we ever recorded a ‘Frankly Speaking’ episode via Skype — Lynn was at his residence in Indianapolis, while I was doing the interview from the usual Access Nashua (New Hampshire) studio. The interview took place on August 5, 2019.

I first met Lynn when an individual from his then-Biblical research organization told me about Jesus Christ and how to attain eternal salvation through the Word of God, a.k.a. the Bible, back in the late 70’s. Lynn has been a Pastor for more than 50 years, and TLTF is now his third Christian organization.

We covered numerous topics during this approximate hour long episode which included but not limited to: the Trinity, Speaking in Tongues, fellow-shipping with other like-minded believers, could the second-coming of Jesus take place now or is he waiting for more people to accept him as Lord and Savior, what is repentance, how does one attain eternal salvation, etc.?

John Lynn has also made three Biblically foundational video teaching series with TLTF: ‘One Day with the Creator’, ‘The End Times’; and, ‘Jesus Christ: The Diameter of the Ages’.

Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro to my show’s theme song for this episode.

For further information about John Lynn and his ministry, please log onto: ; or, if you’re on either YouTube or Twitter, type in keyword: JustTruthIt . Incidentally, I’ve posted a couple of TLTF video teachings by Lynn in the Comment section of this Thread featuring: the Trinity, Speaking in Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues, and Fundamental Basics for Spiritual Growth. In addition to all that, I also posted a popular YouTube video in the Comments section giving the opposing side to Lynn’s argument regarding the Trinity in the Bible.


Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille


L. Craig Martindale

Praise God for Google and Internet “keywords”, that’s all I’ve got to say.

Otherwise, all of my “former brothers and sisters in Christ”, who are now frequently trolling the site, probably NEVER would’ve given me the recognition I so richly deserve. The blog, GreaseSpot Café, is basically devoted for former members of the Way International (a.k.a. The Way, The Way Ministry, the Way Biblical Teaching and Research Ministry, the “Kissing Ministry”, etc.), which still is headquartered in New Knoxville, Ohio.

Specifically, here’s the Thread they were weighing-in on one of my blog posts:

See, whining and bitching about an event that happened over a quarter century ago in ’86 (the reading of, “The Passing of the Patriarch”), I guess, somehow and someway is “therapeutic” towards “healing all their broken hearts”.

Can you say, “Pity Party”?

Incidentally, the reason the Way International is often referred to as, “the kissing ministry” by a number of cult deprogrammers is because they misinterpret this verse of scripture:

Greet one another with an holy kiss. — 2 Corinthians 13:12

And as you might’ve already guessed, kissing other peoples’ spouses and “significant others” usually snowballs into: groping, fornication, adultery, divorce, mixed signals, hurt feelings, etc. Heck, come to think of it, you don’t really have to be “committed” to another individual to be subjected to the aforementioned sins. And as we’re about to see in a little bit, it’s a perfect example on how something like this can get totally out of control.

First of all, here’s the specific excerpt that got a few of these ex-Wayfers just a wee bit fired up:

[…Around the same time frame (mid-80s), Victor Paul Wierwille of the Way International (a.k.a. The Way Ministry, The Way, The Way Biblical Research and Teaching Ministry), had passed away, but not before he entrusted the startling revelation that he, as well as a vast number of his leadership (including then-Way International president L. Craig Martindale) had engaged in rampant fornication and adultery with that Ministry’s membership (a.k.a. The Passing of a Patriarch). Needless to say, The Way experienced a mass exodus from its Ministry and its current membership is a mere fraction to what it was back then.

One indication of just how actually BLEEPED up the Way Ministry was, it perhaps had the only religious organization that were pro-Abortion. The Way would rationalize its beliefs in Abortion on the Biblical verse:

“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” – Genesis 2:7

As the story goes, soon after Wierwille passed away in ‘85, several women who claimed they got pregnant by him came forward and said Wierwille “strongly exhorted” them to get an abortion based on that scripture. That’s funny, I’m not quite sure how “first breath” of an individual conclusively defines “life” but the last time I saw a video of a fetus it sure looked like an “alive” being to me…]

Incidentally, the link that these ex-Wayfers are referring to was from a posting on this blog OVER A YEAR AGO (8-15-12), which if you were to read it in its FULL VERBATIM CONTEXT, was about the well-publicized extra-marital affair of Daystar ministry president and founder Marcus Lamb and, more specifically, just how Fornication has changed regarding Christian ministers over the past quarter century.

When I brought up this point to one of the GreaseSpot Cafe “regulars” earlier this week, they just totally ignored it and insinuated that this posting was ALL ABOUT this document, “The Passing of a Patriarch” and the Way Ministry??!!! I can only assume that the logic discernment regarding these particular folks is so clouded on “HATING” their former Way Ministry leaders that they just can’t see, “the forest for the trees” so to speak. God perhaps put it best in the Biblical book of 1 Corinthians:

If any man (or woman) be ignorant, let him (or her) be ignorant.

This Biblical verse is sort of like the absolute epitome of what most of the “regulars” on GreaseSpot Cafe are truly all about.

The O.P. (Original Poster, or blogger who initiated this particular Thread on GreaseSpot Cafe) was somebody calling themself, “penworks”, who, in turn, encouraged his/her fellow bloggers to weigh-in here on One Bad Decision… to correct all the errors made in reference to, “The Passing of the Patriarch”. Had penworks, or any of the other cowardly bloggers on GreaseSpot Cafe, actually followed through and done that, I would’ve immediately advised them to enroll in a course on Reading Comprehension 101 because that posting may have made a slight reference to “The Passing of the Patriarch”, it was actually about how Christianity has evolved on the subject of Fornication — specifically involving church leadership — in the past quarter century.

On the subject of possibly elaborating any further on, “The Passing of the Patriarch” in this particular posting, I then posed the question to all the bloggers on GreaseSpot Cafe:

How would carefully studying exactly who the Way Ministry hierarchy was “humping and pumping” on the side — outside of their own marriages, 27-40 years ago — help enhance my Eternal Salvation in Heaven?

The silence, or non-responses, to that question on GreaseSpot Cafe was absolutely deafening. You probably could’ve heard crickets chirping at that point.

Personally, I think the two major differences between myself and most of the patrons who blog on, GreaseSpot Cafe are:

1) I chose to just forgive the Way Ministry leadership for their moral improprieties and then move on with my life. NOT to be confused with “FORGETTING”, I still refuse to attend any Way Ministry events, donate any money to that organization, or recommend any people join that church group. See forgiving and restoration are two completely different things — if The Way is not willing to improve its moral climate, I’ll just take my worship elsewhere.

2)  My relationship with God is NOT contingent on whether or not my minister engages in some type of moral impropriety. I fully understand ministers are only human and sometimes make mistakes. In a scenario like that, I would just choose to shake of the proverbial dust and move on to another church.

Quite honestly, I think it’s absolutely insane — not to mention unhealthy — for an individual to hold animosity or a grudge against another person/entity for nearly 30 years. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any end in sight for the former Way believers trolling around the, GreaseSpot Cafe site towards their former Way leadership any time soon. Oh well, life sucks and then you die, I suppose.

As Christians, we’re supposed to follow the example of Jesus Christ to the best of our ability. No where in Biblical scripture does it ever mention that Jesus “boasted and gloated” to His Apostles about a previous experience they recently encountered. For example, saying something like, “gee, that Pharisee who confronted us the other day was a real ‘douche-bag’, don’t ya think?” Jesus could’ve easily have stooped down to that level, but instead chose the ‘high road’ and was a lot more forgiving. The “regulars” on the GSC site aren’t even trying to make an effort to put their past behind them.One of the more ignorant (and popular) bloggers on the attack against me was an individual calling themself, “chockfull”. After spewing out about a  half dozen vulgarities against me such as:

…and are acting ignorant.

…you are also acting like a jack@$$.

…You are a moron.

…You sound just like your brothers there in that Westboro Baptist interview. Ignorant, arrogant, and thinking they are spreading the gospel while they are just making slanderous idiotic posters on national TV.

…acting like this you probably deserve to get your @$$ beat.

Wow, would you ever have guessed that, chockfull, also considers themself, “a Christian”? Probably not with that kind of language. Then after posting all those vulgarities on the supposedly Christian site, GreaseSpot Cafe, chockfull then boldly proclaims:

“I stand by those comments”.

Wow, can you say, “hypocrite”?

I then posted that any little jerk can “talk tough on the Internet” and then hide like a coward behind a stupid pseudonym like, “chockfull” and publicly challenged this imbecile to try saying that to my face, assuming they honestly stood behind those vulgar comments. I further added that the two main subjects of most of their bitching, Victor Paul Wierwille and L. Craig Martindale, despite the obvious moral shortcomings of both these guys, they’d be more likely to go right up to your face and look you in the eyes if they wanted to call you something vulgar — as opposed to the more cowardly, going on the Internet and hiding behind a stupid pseudonym.

Another chicken-BLEEP tactic used on, GreaseSpot Cafe is scrambling (or disguising)  the name of the subject so that there’s no way you could possibly trace it back to them via a Google keyword search. For example, if they were referring to former Way president L. Craig Martindale, they’d purposely write something like “lcm” or “Cr@ig M@rtind@le”, so if Martindale were to do a Google keyword search on himself, they’d be zero trace about him on GreaseSpot Cafe. But if normal people — especially supposed Christians — had some serious problems with Martindale, then WHY wouldn’t you want him to know what’s bothering you about him??? Especially, now that it’s more than a quarter century after the fact.

To pour even more gas on the proverbial fire, how would YOU like to contribute some of your hard-earned money to the GreaseSpot Cafe website? What a fantastic bargain that is, eh? They honestly solicit financial contributions to maintain and enhance that ungodly website via credit card or debit card donations. Personally, I think I’d get a lot better satisfaction taking a handful of my own dollar bills and then proceeding to flush them down the toilet. For the GSC site “regulars” who financially contribute to this stupid thing in lieu of Tithing to a church are obviously on the border of being Devil Possessed themselves. To quote the famous line from, Forrest Gump, “stupid is as stupid does.”

One of the more detailed postings on the, GreaseSpot Café thread in question, at least in my opinion, was by somebody going by the pseudonym, WordWolf. To help better understand some of the Way Ministry jargon this individual is talking about: I already talked about Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille and L. Craig Martindale; Chris Geer and Ralph Dubofsky were Way Ministry leaders whom Dr. Wierwille entrusted with the document, “The Passing of a Patriarch”, which outlined and warned against the rampant fornication and adultery problem of The Way back in the 70s and 80s. Take it away, WordWolf dawg:

28 September 2013

let’s see how many errors are in that one paragraph.

1) vpw never “ENTRUSTED” the fornication and adultery he did.

2) “Passing of the Patriarch” had absolutely NOTHING to do with vpw and his rampant sex crimes.

3) The exodi from twi had little to do with vpw’s sex crimes and little to do with POP.

vpw, to the last, maintained 2 faces-one for the cadre/inner circle, and one for the public/rank-and-file.

In public, he said nothing to encourage fornication nor adultery

In private, he passed along a variety of rationalizations to his top people and select victims. He also had a network of people in place to cover his tracks and silence any woman who MIGHT speak up.

In fact, in his final hours, he claimed to someone that he was trying to figure out what he possibly could have done to displease God- and was unable to think of anything.

As his final weeks approached, vpw found himself irrelevant and IGNORED at twi- as opposed to before, when everyone worshiped him.

So he went to Chris Geer and complained about some incredibly outlandish things- saying that twi was turning away from God and made various prophecies that all failed to happen. CG -if he told the truth and didn’t simply make up the whole thing- then wrote up “Passing of the Patriarch.” It’s available to read here on this website. It’s a long essay about how CGeer felt he was the only person left in twi who was doing the right thing, and how that’s why vpw went to  visit him and entrust him with the specifics about how twi had turned away from God Almighty. The paper said NOTHING about vpw’s rampant sex practices.

CGeer was already aware of those- he had served as vpw’s driver and bodyguard at different times, and was reported to have been COMPLICIT in at least 1 incident where vpw drugged a woman and violated her.

(We suspect more incidents were not reported here, based on how freaking EFFICIENT it was, almost as if experience polished up vpw’s whole act.) vpw’s rampant sexual practices were exposed somewhat later. First came vpw’s death, then came CGeer’s reading of POP.

Then came the first reports of women coming forth and not getting silenced- which led to top people leaving twi and some forming 1 or more new groups. Rather than actually address any of that, when those people wrote something, they made it all also vague about how twi needed to turn to God, and it sounded, again, as if vpw was a good guy and others came along later and messed everything up.

The first actual discussions, IIRC, of vpw’s rampant evil sexual practices and toxic doctrines was when J0hn Sch0enh1e+ wrote HIS paper about all the doctrinal problems about permissive sex in the inner circle. The inner circle silenced him and tried to scare everyone out of ever THAT paper is ALSO available for reading on this site. What about the exodi?

There was a tiny one when some top people left, and a few people left with them. It was noteworthy enough to get a mention in “Christianity Today.” (“Infighting trims branches at The Way International.”)

The biggest one came in 1988-1989.

lcm walked around after POP was read, in a fog. Then he lashed out at everyone and demanded oaths of loyalty from everyone-oaths of loyalty to him PERSONALLY. All those who refused for ANY reason were shunned- all employees at every level who refused were fired immediately.

This resulted in about 80% of the people who were there the previous year all LEAVING-lcm was some distant figure to them, and the people they had interacted with PERSONALLY seemed perfectly sensible and sane-while lcm was raving and saying they were horrible people, and insisting on the loyalty of everyone WHILE saying that.

So, they looked sensible, and he looked crazy. When leadership left en masse – those they lead left also. By firing them all and making sure entire groups of staff across the country left together, lcm made it easier for them to work together and set up a new organization that now had more members than his group.

A decade later, when lcm was caught being a sex criminal, and pleading “not guilty” to a lesser charge and admitting wrongdoing in a court of law, there was another exodus (smaller because there were so few people remaining TO leave in great number.)

My advice and exhortation to all trolls and assorted regulars on GreaseSpot Café would be: Get Over It!!! Get A Life!!! Shake Off the proverbial Dust and Move On!!! It’s been over a quarter century now since Dr. Wierwille died, and the reading of, “The Passing of the Patriarch” took place. How is constantly bitching and whining about all that going to help cope with the rest of YOUR LIVES??? If God states in His Word, that vengeance is His, then why not allow God to just do His job and appropriately deal with all those who screwed over His people?

Grease Spot CafeHere we go again, ladies and gentlemen, yet another round of “cheap shots” by my former brothers and sisters in Christ, a.k.a. , or the self-proclaimed cult support forum of the Way Ministry. I guess when your whole website is based on simply whining and bitching about Way Ministry leaders – a few of whom have already passed away – from over a quarter century ago, I would imagine, after a while, people are literally “grasping at straws” to initiate some type of “new” topic to get everybody to participate.

Specifically, an apparent female calling herself excathedra, I would assume found a few of my postings about the GreaseSpot Café forum during a Google search and proceeded to share my web address and offer a few comments solely to her tight-knit clique of close friends. Here’s how, excathedra initiated the new thread on this past Tueday, 7-29-14 at 4:30 p.m.

what the heck is this — i just stumbled upon it

hey jerk off i’m 58


now it’s hard for me to find the idiot to which i was referring. i’m sorry

Wow, I guess I should be glad that excathedra is a nice “Christian” woman, or else I’d probably really be in trouble.

Incidentally, excathedra joined on 6-7-02 and has posted 21,365 messages since that date – doing the math, that averages out to about 148 posts per month or 37 posts per week during her approximate 12 year GSC affiliation. I’d say excathedra’s got more than just a passive interest in whining and bitching about the Way Ministry on that forum – with her, it’s definitely an “obsession”.

But like a bunch of maggots flocking to a dead carcass, excathedra had a few of her GreaseSpot Café friends weighing-in with their comments on the subject.

waysider has only been a member of GreaseSpot Café since 7-15-06, but still managed to post 14,986 messages since joining that site. Here’s what waysider had to say about Yours Truly’s postings regarding :

Tl;dr (Too long; didn’t read)
I’ll sum it up.
“Let’s blame the victims. It’s fun and easy.”

Gee, for someone who posted nearly 15,000 messages in about eight years (that averages out to be about 156 posts per month or 39 posts per week), I don’t think he’s in a position to call ANYBODY’S  posting too long. The only thing more pathetic than that is waysider still referring to himself as a “victim” about 30-40 years after the fact.

Incidentally, if someone was divorced 29 years ago in 1985 (the same year as the death of Way Ministry founding president Victor Paul Wierwille, and also the approximate time all this controversy started), would they still be viewed by most people as a “victim” of their spouse’s refusal to “make the marriage work”? I don’t think so. I think most people would’ve gotten on with their lives and probably would’ve started dating again by sometime in ’86. How was the split of the Way Ministry back then any more “stressful” than most peoples’ divorces?

Rocky has been a GSC regular for just over 12 years, 6-12-02 to be exact. He’s posted 11,181 messages to GSC, which averages out to almost 78 posts per month or close to 20 posts per week during his entire tenure with this cult support forum. With that said, would you care to guess what I thought when Rocky posted this little gem on GSC two days ago:

The guy is just a loser with an axe to grind. Who cares what he has to say?

Hey Rocky, when you’re talking about “losers with axes to grind”, did you ever try looking at yourself in the mirror lately – along with all the rest of your GSC colleagues?

Last, and by all means least, we’ve got WordWolf, who’s viewed as one of the main leaders on this forum. He’s been posting messages on GreaseSpot since 6-13-02 and has 13,004 posts, or an average of about 1,100 posts per year for each of his 12 years on that site. WordWolf sort of comes across as the “elder statesman” or “the voice of logic” for GSC – or maybe this weirdo has a lot of the “regulars” on that site duped. I’ll take his WordWolf’s comment and break it down with a few comments of my own:

When he controls the microphone and is answerable to no one,
no one can hold him to a standard of accuracy or truth.
That’s why he rules his own soapbox.

Let’s just leave him and his delusions be.

So let me see if I’ve got this straight. According to, GreaseSpot Café has been operating as a website now for just about 14 years. About 95 percent of the participants use pseudonyms (including everyone I’ve already cited). Whenever GSC members refer to Way Ministry leadership – whether they’re dead or alive – they deliberately disguise the spelling of their names so they won’t track anybody’s postings via a Google search. A number of GSC members claim they’re whole objective is to “warn others of wolves in sheep’s clothing”, or, I assume, new people who recently joined the Way Ministry. If you were to succeed in getting a new recruit to disassociate themselves with The Way – what exactly does GSC recommend for that individual to get a good understanding of God in their lives? Do you recommend, for example, that the individual just keeps publicly “trashing” Way leadership on the Internet, like you people have been doing for the past 14 years? Or, do you just not care about that person’s eternal salvation after he/she is no longer associated with The Way?

Honestly, without GSC traffic, his site is virtually forgotten
and ignored in cyberspace.

Another GSC regular named Allan also echoed WordWolf’s aforementioned comment and stated my particular blog here, One Bad Decision Away From Homelessness, was “an ex- GSC recovery site”. So out of about 144 postings thus far on One Bad Decision…, this will be ONLY the fourth posting with any reference to . That’s about 2.5 – 3.25 percent of this entire site currently dedicated to GSC material – and that automatically makes this an “ex-GSC recovery forum”???

Personally, I tend to view One Bad Decision… as being, 100 percent pro-Jesus Christ. Among other things, Jesus was quoted in the Bible as saying that, we ought to Forgive those who’ve done us wrong, Seven times 70 — which shouldn’t be confused with Allan, along with all his ilk at GSC, not willing to even attempt to Forgive the leadership of the Way Ministry for any of their transgressions over a quarter century after the fact.

Incidentally WordWolf, if One Bad Decision…, “is virtually forgotten and ignored in cyberspace”, can you please explain how excathedra managed to “stumble upon it” this week? Or how another GSC regular, penworks stumbled upon this blog approximately a year ago? As with your arch nemesis, the Way International (a.k.a. Way Ministry), I’ll bet the folks behind are really pissed off about the whole concept of Google searches, huh?

By giving him any attention for his
ridiculous posts, we’re giving him exactly what he wants-
attention- which translates, in his thinking, into

As I said to Rocky’s comment earlier in this posting, is this comment supposed to be referring to me, or yourself WordWolf – along with all your nitwit colleagues at GSC?

Oh, I almost forgot to mention, this thread in question was removed by the GSC Moderator – I believe they use the pseudonym, Modgellan – within 24 hours after excathedra posted it. I think it had something to do with duping their own regular members into continue giving financial donations to the GSC, which personally, I would equate with financially contributing to Satan. Any remotely “Christian-related” group that refuses to acknowledge that Forgiveness is a major part of God’s Will for our lives isn’t worthy of one red cent as far as I’m concerned.

In addition, none of the aforementioned GSC regulars bothered to comment themselves here on One Bad Decision… — only amongst their own ilk on their safe little sanctum. What great Christian men and women of God, eh? I, on the other hand, would’ve loved to have posted my comments here over on GSC, but unfortunately, the Moderator banned me from that site last year. Apparently, the regulars on GSC didn’t like it too much when I posted “taboo” questions like:

What does the Bible say about Forgiveness? After more than a quarter century of whining and bitching about the Way Ministry leadership, what exactly would you like to say or do to finally have some “closure” in your own personal lives? Who the heck is anybody on the GSC site to claim that certain Way Ministry leaders are “beyond forgiveness” when it comes to God’s judgment? Were King David (an adulterer and murderer), and Paul the Apostle (a murderer of Christians) “beyond forgiveness” when it came to God’s judgment? 

To quote a famous line on one of my favorite afternoon soap operas: The Truth always hurts – doesn’t it?