Archives for category: U.S. Secret Service

‘The Great Cocaine Cover Up’ by Newsmax TV host Chris Salcedo is a fascinating report on how a ‘Dime Bag’ of Cocaine could’ve made it into the White House “undetected” this past Sunday. Aside from the fact that this is one of the most secured facilities in the World, with surveillance cameras just about everywhere imaginable, it begs the question – Is the Secret Service THAT incompetent, OR, do they just choose NOT to publicly reveal who’s the Guilty Culprit? This video is approximately eight (8) minutes long.

I realize I brought this same story up a couple months back with another YouTube blogger named Zack Leary and his blog called, The Last Outlaws. This one’s brought up by Drew Berquist and it’s a video regarding an ’09 Christmas party incident for the Secret Service agents, along with their spouses, at the White House. Then-Vice President Joe Biden made an appearance at this event, which in turn, allegedly flirted with many of the females — Married and Single — for whatever reason.

As the story goes, when Biden “cupped the breasts” of one of the married females at the party, her husband appeared to approach Biden to physically confront him but was stopped by his fellow Secret Service colleagues before there was any actual contact. The male agent in question was then suspended from the Secret Service, I assume for physically threatening the Vice President after he groped his wife (although I think most normal husbands would’ve reacted the same way if they were in that situation).

Tom Fitton is a government watchdog, who has an organization called, ‘Judicial Watch’, that investigates these types of situations. Fitton filed a, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the U.S. Secret Service Agency to try to find what exactly happened at that Christmas party that evening. Unfortunately, Fitton was told by the Secret Service agency that that particular “file was destroyed” and therefore, they had no record of the incident.

Bottom Line: The U.S. Secret Service admitted to Fitton, yeah there was an incident, however, they don’t have a record of it anymore because they simply destroyed the file.

In the aforementioned video posted by, The Last Outlaws, blogger Zack Leary interviewed a former Secret Service agent who happened to be present at that White House Christmas party and basically corroborated the same stuff I’ve already mentioned. I’m just saying, there’s about eight weeks till the Nov. 3rd Election. I think this is one incident perhaps the FBI ought to investigate BEFORE voters go ahead and elect this perverted pig as our President.

Aside from a ton of photos on Google Images of Biden either groping, kissing, or sniffing hair of various women (other than his wife) and sometimes even young underage girls; his former employee, Tara Reade publicly claimed Biden sexually assaulted and penetrated her; and lastly, Jill Biden’s ex-husband, Bill Stevenson is soon to release a ‘Tell-All’ book on how an extramarital affair between Jill and Sleepy Joe destroyed their marriage. I’d say it’s definitely worth investigating before most Americans are stuck with the WRONG CHOICE for President till January 2025.

File Under: Better Safe than Sorry