Archives for category: vigilante

March 2, 2023

ABC’s The View will compose a written apology to Kyle Rittenhouse and his mother, Wendy Rittenhouse, and deliver it along with a check for $22 million. The Rittenhouse’s spokesman, Joe Barron, says the settlement didn’t take long and “wasn’t very difficult.”

Apparently, the show’s producers have been eager to settle the matter to get them away from all the bad press. In the past few months, story after story about Whoopi Goldberg’s suspensions and firings along with reports of more than 11 lawsuits filed have the show’s team wondering if it was worth it at all.

According to our records, the bulk of the attacks against The View come from sites pretending to be right-wing propaganda when actually they’re leftist trolls making fun of Trump supporters. None of the lawsuits have been true so far, but this one definitely is.

We promise.

The apology must include the words “Kyle Rittenhouse isn’t a murderer” at least four times, according to a friend with inside knowledge on several other matters. “What I don’t know is why the math is before the science,” said the source, “or what that even means.”

Our editors report that if the math is before the science, most likely none of it will make any sense, meaning Rittenhouse is definitely coming out ahead on this one.

God bless America.

Kyle Rittenhouse justifiably should’ve been given a Medal for shooting and killing these two scumbags!!!

Any questions on “WHY” these Facebook Fact Checkers choose NOT to engage in an open debate with Yours Truly but instead just block my Meme from any public view and then hit me with a three (3) day suspension from posting anything because I supposedly violated Facebook’s rule on promoting “violent” content?

Kyle Rittenhouse is looking more and more like the late, great actor Charles Bronson during all those vigilante “Death Wish” movies. I think one question that readily comes to mind while watching all the video tape evidence played in court thus far — Where the heck were all the Wisconsin police during this (not so) peaceful protest???

For the life of me, I can’t see how any Jury with any brains will convict Mr. Rittenhouse of even one of the three “murders” that they’re currently talking about in this trial.

