Archives for category: Wretched Radio

From a Christian perspective, do you think God could’ve “rigged” last Tuesday’s Election just to send us a message, like maybe we need to have more Trust in Him?

One of my favorite YouTube bloggers is Todd Friel and his blog called, ‘Wretched Radio’. Friel, I admit, brings up some interesting points here that I never really took into consideration.

I’m sure there were probably a lot of things we went ahead and responded to that was very disappointing to God. But don’t take my word for it, why not check out this episode of, ‘Wretched Radio’ and check it out for yourselves.

This video is less than 12 minutes in length.

So within four (4) days of this particular post, the United States could elect a President who could transform our Country into Socialism. Should Church Pastors get involved on making their members aware of everything that entails?

Or does the Separation of Church and State come into play here?

Could a Socialism government censor Church sermons as they do in other countries? Wouldn’t it be much better to inform church members of this potential situation to make worshiping God that much easier as it is now in a Capitalist Democratic Republic such as the USA.

Historically speaking, other countries in the world that have fully converted to either Socialism or Communism have NEVER turned back to Capitalism.

Should THAT be a concern for Christian voters?

Lastly, the Presidential candidate who seems to be surrounding himself with predominately Socialist politicians, also believes in Abortion — even after the ninth month of pregnancy, along with the government funding to Planned Parenthood, to enable those procedures to continue. As a Christian voter, do YOU really want to support a politician like that who endorses that practice?

Todd Friel of ‘Wretched Radio’ is a popular Christian blogger on YouTube and he did an excellent video about this very same subject that last a little over 11 minutes. As a Christian voter, you really ought to listen to this message BEFORE you cast you vote this Tuesday, Nov. 3rd. Enjoy