Archives for posts with tag: 2016 Presidential race

Gary Johnson (left), and William Weld

{Let me make three (3) points about Libertarian Presidential candidate Gary Johnson’s campaign:

1) If he’s still polling at 10% — which he currently is against Clinton & Trump — he DEFINITELY deserves to have a podium at the nationally-televised debates, as well as his running mate Bill Weld at the vice presidential debates. Ross Perot didn’t have anything close to a 10% poll rating in ’92 and neither did most of the Republican candidates debating Trump in the Primaries last year and earlier this year.

2) Both Johnson (New Mexico) and Weld (Massachusetts) were both elected and re-elected Republican Governors in predominately Blue States. They’ve got to have something going for them. Unlike Perot and his running mate retired Admiral James Stockdale in ’92 (which was a complete and utter joke), I think both Johnson and Weld will come off very respectable and viable after the televised debates.

3) Until a viable 3rd Party Independent Presidential candidate emerges — and gets their name officially on the ballot in ALL 50 States — Gary Johnson and Bill Weld are the best options American voters got to have a President in the White House next year NOT named either Clinton or Trump. As far as Write-in candidates like Ted Cruz or Mitt Romney go — when was the last time a Write-in candidate ever won a major election, especially in a nationwide race? Keep in mind too, City Clerks and Town Clerks have the option to discard Write-in votes that are not legible or spelled incorrectly — do you really want to rely on that for picking our next President?

#JohnsonWeld2016 }

Can you say, “Double Standard”?

Wasn’t Donald Trump severely criticized by the mainstream media and Democrats a few weeks ago when he failed to correct an audience member at one of his Town Hall forums and that individual said, while asking a question, that President Barack Obama was a Muslim?

So now about a month later, at another public Town Hall forum also held in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton simply starts laughing when a man in the audience suggested he wanted “strangle” Carly Fiorina.

Should we expect less of a “response” from Hillary Clinton than we do Donald Trump, just because Clinton is a woman? Is that supposed to be “more responsible behavior” of someone we might elect as our next U.S. President? I don’t think so.

Personally, that’s sort of like asking the question, Which smells worse: Cow manure or Horse manure?


(From the Gov. Mike Huckabee Twitter site on 10-13-15. Huckabee is also a candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2016.)

Poor liberals think it’s racist to deplore a brutal dictatorship.

I trust Bernie Sanders with my tax dollars like I trust a North Korean chef with my labrador!

Marijuana question appropriate. Democrats smoking it if they think their policies will save this country.

Congress should get healthcare from the V.A.
No Veteran will rot and die again if they’re waiting alongside a U.S. Senator!

I pledge to oppose amnesty & government benefits for illegal immigrants who violated our laws.

The Democrat plan: Give amnesty AND ObamaCare to illegal immigrants.

Bernie Sander’s free college Ponzi scheme would make Bernie Madoff blush.

Hillary Clinton’s Keystone Pipeline defense is as believable as Tonya Harding in a deposition. #TripleAxel

Hillary Clinton is a charter member of the Washington-Wall Street elite. #PartOfTheProblem

I trust Bernie Sanders with my tax dollars like I trust a North Korean chef with my labrador!

Racism exists because we have a sin problem in America, not a skin problem.

ALL lives matter. It’s time we stop burning cars, shooting cops, & recognize that life is a gift from God.

Black lives matter because ALL lives matter. Haven’t we learned from history?

Hillary Clinton – It’s not about your emails, it’s about you hiding the truth @ the expense of our national security.

Hillary Clinton – You may not want to talk about your emails, but you’re not above the law.

Hillary Clinton – Hard Choices: Transparency Should Not Have Been One of Them

Hillary Clinton truly believes the law does not apply to her.

They believe climate change is a greater threat than Islamic extremism, that a sunburn is worse than a beheading. It’s nonsense!

If only Hillary Clinton was as passionate about protecting American diplomats as she is about blasting the GOP. #Benghazi

Wake up, Hillary Clinton. You know who else was “burning up the phone lines begging for help”… #Benghazi

“This is not time for a Chamberlain.

This is time for a Churchill.

We either stand against

Evil or we don’t.”

Where did Hillary Clinton get these State Dept accomplishment talkers? Baghdad Bob?

Hillary Clinton doesn’t exercise judgement, she follows polls.

Oh please. Putin’s rolling the Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton foreign policy like Chinese tanks in Tiananmen Square.

“The Second Amendment is the Last Line of Defense against Tyranny and MUST BE PROTECTED.”

I pledge to defend our 2nd Amendment rights & oppose gun control legislation

Hillary Clinton is proud to be to the left of Bernie Sanders on the 2nd Amendment. Unbelievable.

Why is it a negative in a Democrat primary to try to establish law & order in a violent city?

Bernie Sander’s socialist math is as solid and sound as El Chapo’s prison security.

Hard Choices: Protecting American Workers Should Not Have Been One of Them

They believe climate change is a greater threat than Islamic extremism, that a sunburn is worse than a beheading. It’s nonsense!

Donald Trump – Any last-minute hairstyle advice for Bernie Sanders before he takes the stage

At Dem Debate, Hillary will demonstrate her high level of intelligence by managing to remember, on every issue, the side she’s currently on.