Archives for posts with tag: 2020 Election
‘Inciting a Riot’ is DEFINITELY a Federal crime — so WHY is the January 6th Committee ignoring this jerk, Ray Epps???
Why the BLEEP would the FBI take Ray Epps off its ‘Most Wanted List’?
Megyn Kelly has author Julie Kelly on her podcast to talk about Ray Epps & January 6th
Now it’s becoming crystal clear as to WHY the January 6th Insurrection Committee REFUSED to subpoena Ray Epps — they obviously didn’t want to piss-off wifey, Robyn (or Dominion Voting Systems) so therefore they just ignored Ray.
Do we REALLY need to overturn Congress to Republican during the Midterm Election just to subpoena this jerk to testify before the January 6th Insurrection Committee?? What the BLEEP good is THAT Committee anyway?

Is it any wonder why Vice President Kamala Harris dropped out of the 2020 Democrat Presidential Primary BEFORE any Elections or Caucuses were ever held, polling at about one (1) percent of the vote?

Here she is praising Illegal Aliens, who are currently entering the USA by the thousands, without any vetting for COVID, background checks, or anything else, all while publicly trashing our military veterans. Funny thing, since about this past January 6th (2021), 10,000 National Guard troops have been guarding the Capitol building (Congress) around the clock, 24/7. V.P. Harris doesn’t seem to have much problem with THAT arrangement. Hopefully, I can give this Meme a little more ink just before next year’s mid-term elections, as well as the 2024 Presidential Election.

Let the American citizens weigh-in on what they REALLY think about Kamala and her stupid opinions.

Don Bolduc, a retired Army General, is a former candidate for U.S. Senate who lost in the Republican Primary last year to that Party’s nominee, Corky Messner. When filling out his final Campaign Finance Report for 2020, Bolduc indicated that he planned to use those funds generated thru donations to run for the other U.S. Senate seat in New Hampshire next year (2022) against incumbent Maggie Hassan.

Although it’s too early yet to officially declare one’s candidacy for elected public office in next year’s Mid-term Elections, Bolduc is still building his visibility by appearing on NH radio shows, and government access TV shows, such as ‘Frankly Speaking’. This particular episode was taped in the Access Nashua studio on Thursday, 1/28/21.

Aside from talking about what he plans to do differently in this upcoming Senate race, and how he compares Senator Maggie Hassan to himself, we discussed a number of items about Donald Trump’s Presidential loss to Joe Biden.

Among other things, we talked about: Trump’s rumored initiation of a new political party (either called, the Patriot Party, of the MAGA Party), holding Big Tech companies (Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) more accountable for its actions in the Court system, cutting back on Congress’ “immunity to Lie” in its own facility, and the possibly to initiate some type of a networking system between Coroners and Medical Examiners with Town/City Clerks to hopefully remove deceased individuals off of Voting Lists and cut down (or eliminate) Dead people from voting in Elections.

I hope to have General Bolduc on my show again later this year to discuss the topic of Mail-In Voting, which was probably Trump’s biggest complaint in last year’s election, and find out what improvements or changes are expected to take place on that item for next year’s mid-term Elections.

Incidentally, if you wish to check out any specific stance Bolduc might have on a specific issue or maybe would like to support his Senate campaign next year, please log onto his website at: . Also, if you have a question regarding something not mentioned on that website, please click on the, ‘Contact Us’ option and fill-out the appropriate information.

Local singer Sharon DiFronzo sang the Intro and Outro theme songs on this particular episode.

Any thoughts about voting, Straight-Ticket Republican on Nov. 3rd? If you need a little convincing, please ask yourself, why the heck would any U.S. Rep or U.S. Senator PUBLICLY ENCOURAGE Riotous behavior in their respective communities?

What’s a more important issue than KEEPING PEOPLE SAFE — That would be, SAFE FROM ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC.

Why the heck should we vote these Shysters into Elected Office, with annual salaries of about $200K, so they can, in turn, screw over me and my property? I don’t think so.

Maybe the Democrats need a couple of Terms OUT OF PUBLIC OFFICE, to think about this for a while.

Bottom Line: Please consider voting Straight-Ticket Republican for: President, U.S. Senator, U.S. Rep, and Governor on Nov. 3rd, to hopefully, Make America Safe Again!

Retired Army Brigadier General Don Bolduc, who’s a Republican candidate for U.S. Senator, was my guest for this episode — my 50th — of ‘Frankly Speaking’. This interview took place in the Access Nashua studio on Aug. 10, 2020.

Among the issues we discussed included: What his opinion was of President Trump’s handling of the Coronavirus? Is the economy on the right track to make a full recovery from the National Pandemic? Should President Trump supersede the Mayors and Governors in major U.S. cities with National Guard troops to remedy the constant Rioting and Looting problems? What his thoughts were on Mr. and Mrs. McCloskey in St. Louis for defending their home when approached by Rioters and then having their guns seized the following day? Was he aware of the reason incumbent Democratic U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen voted to impeach President Donald Trump from office? With the two major candidates running for President being 70-something, would he be in favor of pushing a Law for a maximum age requirement of running for President? In 2016, there was apparently a Voter Fraud problem regarding Out-of-State college students voting both in New Hampshire, as well as their home States — Has this situation been remedied in the past four years? How does he feel about Mail-in ballots? Do Big Tech companies like, Google, Facebook, and Twitter need to be legally regulated by the government? And, militarily speaking, is China the biggest threat to the United States?

Bolduc is facing a challenge in the Sept. 8th NH Republican Primary election for the U.S. Senate race. If successful, Bolduc will face incumbent Democrat Senator Shaheen in the regular election on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd. If you’d like some more information about his candidacy, please log onto: .

Local singer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the Intro and Outro theme song to this particular episode.

Karen Testerman, who is currently running for the Republican nomination of New Hampshire Governor, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’. This interview took place via Skype on Aug. 11, 2020.

Testerman has resided in New Hampshire for more than two decades and has been actively involved with numerous government activities, including a local radio show and a government-access TV production. According to her campaign brochure, Testerman refers to herself as a “Committed Conservative” who’s pro life, pro gun, no new taxes, and, pro job and business.

Topics discussed on this episode included: What changes would she have initiated in New Hampshire if she had been the Governor during the Coronavirus, specifically potentially closing restaurants, businesses, and public schools? How close is NH from ever implementing a State income tax, or a State sales tax? How would she prepare for a protest in NH from either Black Lives Matter, or Antifa? Are there any Sanctuary Cities or Towns in NH, and how would she as Governor try to remedy that situation? We talked about Mr. and Mrs. McCloskey in St. Louis about how they defended their property with guns from rioters and then had their guns confiscated the following day by law officials — could something like that happen in NH? Since Testerman entered the Governor’s race about two months ago and she’s facing the incumbent Governor, Chris Sununu in the Sept. 8th Primary election, was this enough time to establish visibility to take on a candidate with his name recognition on a date which may not draw that many voters? We talked about Mail-in Ballots and potential voter fraud, including a specific situation from 2016 which President Donald Trump and then-Senator Kelly Ayotte might’ve been short-changed due to out-of-state college students voting in their home States and then again near their college residence.

Then I asked Karen about my personal favorite questions for a NH Governor candidate: Would she ever propose a helmet requirement for motorcyclists? Would she consider dissolving annual vehicle safety inspection stickers? Lastly, are most NH residents happy with the highway tolls, specifically with the number of them and the costs?

Testerman may find her toughest challenge in the Sept. 8th Republican Primary against the incumbent Governor Chris Sununu. If you’d like to learn more about her candidacy or maybe even contact her, please log onto her website: . If successful in the Primary, Testerman will then advance to face the Democratic challenger in the regular election on Nov. 3rd.

Local singer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro theme songs to this particular episode.

Father Frank Pavone, who’s the National Director of Priests for Life, makes an excellent argument in his latest YouTube video titled, “God uses Flawed People to accomplish His purposes!” as to WHY elected officials we choose to serve in our government don’t necessarily have to be strong, virtuous men and women of Faith.

Although Pavone doesn’t mention any specific names or offices in the upcoming 2020 Presidential election, the two main presumptive opponents as of the date of this posting, Republican incumbent Donald Trump; and expected Democratic nominee Joe Biden could both appropriately fit in the description for this approximate nine-and-a-half minute video.

Pavone starts off by saying when you’re about to elect someone to a public government office, you need to basically look at: a) the individual, and b) the role they’re pursuing. He said that if you were electing either a Priest or Pastor to a Church, or maybe someone to Sainthood, the moral criteria would be much higher for someone like that.

But then he threw out the analogy of choosing a Mechanic, which you would want to know if that person could actually repair your vehicle at a fairly reasonable price. The fact, for example, of whether that Mechanic was married a couple times before would probably be totally irrelevant if you’d want that person to fix your car. Pavone also used the analogy of choosing a Doctor, who obviously you’d want to make sure they knew what they were doing before you had them operate on you.

He brings up Biblical examples on how God used very flawed individuals, like King David who was an adulterer and a murderer, or Rahab the prostitute, or King Cyrus all to fulfill His purpose.

And as a Priest whose main assignment is to promote the Pro Life agenda, Pavone also encouraged his viewing audience to avoid politicians who wish to contribute government funds to Planned Parenthood, which initiates many, if not most, of the Abortions in this country. He also encouraged folks to favor politicians who appoint Conservative judges to the Supreme Court as well as the Federal District court system.

As for the two names mentioned earlier in the 2020 Presidential race, Trump seems to have the much more favorable record in office with Christian and Pro Life advocates.

For more information about Father Frank Pavone and his organization, log onto either:

Or, go on , and subscribe to the Channel: Father Frank Pavone .