Archives for posts with tag: 2nd Amendment rights
Dean Poirier, a Republican congressional candidate for NH’s 2nd District, proudly displays his 2nd Amendment tattoo during a recent interview on ‘Frankly Speaking‘ at the Access Nashua TV studio. Poirier, who’s a resident of Concord NH, admitted that he’s often compared to the late Colonel Sanders, probably because of his glasses and goatee. For a credo in his campaign, Poirier is using, SERVICE NOT SELF-INTEREST!!

Republican congressional candidate (NH-2) and Concord resident Dean A. Poirier was my guest for this episode of ‘Frankly Speaking’. The actual interview took place in the Access Nashua studio on Feb. 1, 2022.

Poirier, who is also a Disabled Veteran from his service with the U.S. Army, started the discussion by talking about his self-imposed Term Limits pledge of no more than four, two year terms before he promises to leave the U.S. House of Representatives. He cited a number of other Congressmen, like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who simply exploited her opportunity and stayed in Congress way too long. Poirier didn’t rule out possibly running for either something like Governor or U.S. Senator after that eight years in the House of Reps but he was certain not to pursue any more elected time with that entity.

Another point Poirier was very passionate about was keeping America’s 2nd Amendment rights, or Gun Ownership, in tact for the foreseeable future. Poirier even rolled up his sleeve during the interview and showed a tattoo he had gotten regarding Gun Ownership rights. Personally, I don’t think you can get much more zealous than that.

Other topics we discussed included: if a male candidate (such as himself) were to face incumbent Democrat Ann Kuster in a public debate, would he be expected to act like a “perfect gentleman” just because Kuster is a female? We also talked about Donald Trump and if he has any future with the Republican Party. Besides incumbent Congresswoman Kuster, Poirier talked a little bit of some of the other Republican primary candidates hoping to win the NH-2 seat in November. And if Poirier is elected this November, he vows to help push to finish the Border Wall between the U.S. and Mexico to prevent the massive influx of Illegal Aliens to our country.

Poirier said that he’s running on the campaign credo of: ‘SERVICE NOT SELF-INTEREST!!’ He also joked during the interview that a lot of folks on the campaign trail often refer to Poirier as a, “Colonel Sanders look-alike” of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame probably due to his glasses and goatee.

If you wish to learn more about Dean Poirier’s congressional campaign, please log onto his website at: . If you wish to ask him a specific question, you can email him at: .


(From the Gov. Mike Huckabee Twitter site on 10-13-15. Huckabee is also a candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2016.)

Poor liberals think it’s racist to deplore a brutal dictatorship.

I trust Bernie Sanders with my tax dollars like I trust a North Korean chef with my labrador!

Marijuana question appropriate. Democrats smoking it if they think their policies will save this country.

Congress should get healthcare from the V.A.
No Veteran will rot and die again if they’re waiting alongside a U.S. Senator!

I pledge to oppose amnesty & government benefits for illegal immigrants who violated our laws.

The Democrat plan: Give amnesty AND ObamaCare to illegal immigrants.

Bernie Sander’s free college Ponzi scheme would make Bernie Madoff blush.

Hillary Clinton’s Keystone Pipeline defense is as believable as Tonya Harding in a deposition. #TripleAxel

Hillary Clinton is a charter member of the Washington-Wall Street elite. #PartOfTheProblem

I trust Bernie Sanders with my tax dollars like I trust a North Korean chef with my labrador!

Racism exists because we have a sin problem in America, not a skin problem.

ALL lives matter. It’s time we stop burning cars, shooting cops, & recognize that life is a gift from God.

Black lives matter because ALL lives matter. Haven’t we learned from history?

Hillary Clinton – It’s not about your emails, it’s about you hiding the truth @ the expense of our national security.

Hillary Clinton – You may not want to talk about your emails, but you’re not above the law.

Hillary Clinton – Hard Choices: Transparency Should Not Have Been One of Them

Hillary Clinton truly believes the law does not apply to her.

They believe climate change is a greater threat than Islamic extremism, that a sunburn is worse than a beheading. It’s nonsense!

If only Hillary Clinton was as passionate about protecting American diplomats as she is about blasting the GOP. #Benghazi

Wake up, Hillary Clinton. You know who else was “burning up the phone lines begging for help”… #Benghazi

“This is not time for a Chamberlain.

This is time for a Churchill.

We either stand against

Evil or we don’t.”

Where did Hillary Clinton get these State Dept accomplishment talkers? Baghdad Bob?

Hillary Clinton doesn’t exercise judgement, she follows polls.

Oh please. Putin’s rolling the Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton foreign policy like Chinese tanks in Tiananmen Square.

“The Second Amendment is the Last Line of Defense against Tyranny and MUST BE PROTECTED.”

I pledge to defend our 2nd Amendment rights & oppose gun control legislation

Hillary Clinton is proud to be to the left of Bernie Sanders on the 2nd Amendment. Unbelievable.

Why is it a negative in a Democrat primary to try to establish law & order in a violent city?

Bernie Sander’s socialist math is as solid and sound as El Chapo’s prison security.

Hard Choices: Protecting American Workers Should Not Have Been One of Them

They believe climate change is a greater threat than Islamic extremism, that a sunburn is worse than a beheading. It’s nonsense!

Donald Trump – Any last-minute hairstyle advice for Bernie Sanders before he takes the stage

At Dem Debate, Hillary will demonstrate her high level of intelligence by managing to remember, on every issue, the side she’s currently on.