Tim Bickford, an Alimony Reform Activist — as well as a member of The Fathers’ Rights Movement of New Hampshire — served as my guest for this episode of ‘Frankly Speaking’, which was taped at the Access Nashua studio on Monday, July 22, 2019.

Discussions included: changes to NH’s Alimony law on December ’18, what would Bickford do about Alimony laws if he were a member of the NH legislation, pre nuptual agreements, Palimony, Facebook fan pages, and, what is a First Wives Club, or even a, Second Wives Club.

Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart Records sang both the Intro and Outro theme songs for this episode.

For further info on this episode, please contact TimothyBickford@comcast.net . Also, if you’d like any further info on Alimony, please log onto any of the following on Facebook.com : Alimony Injustice, End Lifetime Alimony, Permanent Alimony Slavery, or, United Front for Alimony Reform.