Archives for posts with tag: alleged sexual assault

Wow, I never imagined that Sleepy Joe Biden was such a ‘Stud Muffin’ 10 years ago when he was serving as both our Vice President, as well as the Official spokesperson for Hennessy Cognac. Needless to say, I NEVER believed Biden when he said he never sexually assaulted his former staffer, Tara Reade. And after looking over some the risque poses Biden’s engaging with a few of the young voluptuous females in these Hennessy ads, I’ll let you folks draw your own conclusions.


The two individuals interviewing Ms. Reade in this video — from a YouTube page called, The Hill — are actually Liberal pundits. The lady seems pretty legitimate to me.

Another rather pathetic aspect to Ms. Reade’s testimony was that she contacted both Senator Kamala Harris of California, and Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts with her sexual harassment allegations against Biden, YET it seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. As you may have recalled, Senator Harris urged her colleagues to “Believe the Woman” when Christine Blasey Ford testified against Brett Kavanaugh with far less evidence than Ms. Reade brought to the table when Kavanaugh was going for an appointment as a Supreme Court justice.

Senator Warren, while she was running to become the Democrat Presidential nominee just about a month ago accused fellow candidate Michael Bloomberg of once allegedly telling a pregnant female employee of his to “kill it” insinuating having an abortion. Aside from the fact that Bloomberg denied ever saying that, Warren stuck by her story despite having no evidence whatsoever. By comparison, Ms. Reade appears to be a moral giant compared to either Warren or Harris.
