Archives for posts with tag: Associated Press

Needless to say, I’m really BLEEPIN Jealous right about now – if I could “re-do” my Postal Service career all over again, I should’ve ‘followed in the footsteps’ of Gerald Groff (a Christian Postal Worker, who the U.S. Supreme Court ruled earlier today that he was entitled to have religious days off, like Sundays).

In MY particular case, not only on Sundays, but a bunch of Christmases & Easters that I was “REQUIRED” to work, which I could’ve spent with my sons back when they were still young. Furthermore, I wonder if any Muslim Postal Workers ever had any problems getting THEIR religious holidays off from work – Hmmmmm !!!!

Anywho, a special salute goes out to Mr. Groff, along with his attorney, Hiram Sasser, for now establishing this as the “official”, Law of the Land.