Little Davey

Okay, so on the one hand, I love to see young people — especially teenagers — get involved and participate in good old fashion American Democracy. HOWEVER, when you start getting downright stupid, like David Hogg falsely accusing the National Rifle Association (NRA) for all the mentally unstable psychopaths illegally obtaining guns and killing large groups of people, OR, FOX News TV show host Laura Ingraham should lose all her advertisers because she “teased” Mr. Hogg about being rejected entry to numerous different (most) colleges he applied to.

I’m sorry that Mr. Hogg, along with his classmates in Parkland Florida, experienced another classmate, Theodore Cruz, go on a shooting (and killing) spree a couple months back. I don’t wish that fate on my worst enemy.

But in all due respect, the “15 Minutes of Fame” have already come and gone for kids like David Hogg and Emma Gonzales — if our Mainstream Media, i.e. CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, Washington Post, New York Times, etc., continue to put these kids on a Pedestal every time they open their mouths & say something, why don’t we AT LEAST hold them accountable for the crap they’re actually spewing out? Just sayin