Archives for posts with tag: Bill Maher
Video compilation of “Ultra MAGA” & “MAGA King” campaign ads for Donald Trump in a possible 2024 Presidential run. This was made courtesy of, Trump Fan Network 2.

Arguably, the highlight of this video is Comedian Bill Maher, promoting Ultra MAGA condoms which guarantees to, “rig your Erection”, along with, “make you Poll (Pole) well”. It is a funny and fascinating video just to check out.

Most of the time, I really don’t care for comedian Bill Maher, this particular Monologue however, was just too good to pass up. Needless to say, I agree 100 percent with the majority of THIS commentary. Enjoy.

Speaking about Conspiracy Theories, What evidence does either Joe Biden or Bill Maher have that if Trump loses the Presidential election this November, he will REFUSE to leave the White House in January? Based on what??? Where the heck are the Twitter Police to “Fact Check” these guys from Lying to everybody about this?

It’s truly amazing what passes as “comedy” in this day and age. Enter comedian Bill Maher taking pot shots at former Joe Biden staffer Tara Reade because she had the audacity to accuse her former boss, Sleepy Joe, of allegedly sexually assaulting her back in ’93.

Funny thing though, Maher said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about Christine Blasey Ford’s supposed sexual assault accusation against then Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh two years ago. And Dr. Ford, who claimed her incident took place as teenagers 37 years earlier, asked to testify within just a couple days of when the Senate’s vote of Kavanaugh was set to take place.

Maher also took aim in this monologue, on Donald Trump being accused by several women of alleged sexual assault prior to being elected President about four years ago. But aside from the fact that Trump got elected President in 2016, Biden was actually quoted in an interview with Good Morning America on April 2019 that his campaign motto was, “Make America Moral Again”.

Besides that, there are tons of examples on Google images and YouTube videos of Biden groping women from behind and either sniffing their hair or kissing the back of their necks — Where’s all the evidence of Trump doing the same sort of stuff?

Incidentally, what about the alleged Secret Service allegations about Biden “skinny dipping” in the White House pool even with female agents in the general vicinity? Or what about the Secret Service agent who was suspended without pay for allegedly pushing Biden after Sleepy Joe blatantly groped the guy’s wife?

Maher loves to proclaim a statement Trump made on a ‘hot mic’ of his supposed exploits with women which later Trump dismissed as locker room talk, but again I’ve got to ask Mr. Maher — where’s all your proof?

Another thing Maher fails to admit in this monologue, Tara Reade’s accusation against Joe Biden has TOTALLY DESTROYED the #MeToo Movement of two years earlier, not to mention the vast majority of Vice Presidential hopefuls rumored to serve this year as Biden’s running mate. People like Stacy Abrams, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, etc., are nothing more than fakes, frauds, and liars when they all said they believed Dr. Ford’s story of two years earlier, but not Ms. Reade this time around.

Bill Maher, as with so many other late night comedians, makes just about his whole schtick saying anything and everything to make President Trump look bad.

Unfortunately for Maher, when he tried that approach with U.S. Rep and disabled Navy SEAL Dan Crenshaw, the jokes just weren’t clicking for the funny man like they usually do on his show. Not to mention, due to the Pandemic situation, there was no audience at the interview to clap like trained seals every time Maher tried “sticking it” to Crenshaw.

The former Navy SEAL asked Maher, “What are you trying to do, get to the Truth, OR, make President Trump look bad?” Ouch. The blogger on this video, Sarah Sansoni seems like a pretty sharp cookie.

Watch, and judge for yourselves.