Archives for posts with tag: Blogger
Approximately 95 percent of Christo Aivalis’ YouTube videos have had AT LEAST some mention of former President Donald Trump, despite the fact that Trump as been a “Private Citizen” now for almost three (3) years. In this photo, Mr. Aivalis appears here as if he’s Constipated or something.

This is what I posted on this particular YouTube video by Mr. Aivalis. As you might’ve already guessed, Christo never bothered to respond to my comments – probably because this little jerk doesn’t have the “Testicular Fortitude” to do so.

First of all, Christo, in this 15 minute video, Congresswoman Bobert was NEVER ‘pelted with food by the audience, from head-to-toe’. Secondly, you titled this video, “Lauren Boebert has been ARRESTED with Her Kids in the Car!”-Another LIE by Mr. Aivalis! “When” & “Where” did U.S. Rep ever get “ARRESTED”, Christo? Lastly, you’re here bitching about Boebert bringing up Donald Trump since he’s been a “Private Citizen” now for almost 3 years – let’s get Honest here, Christo, Donald Trump’s activity has consisted of AT LEAST 95% of YOUR STUPID Blog! Perhaps you ought to do a Blog on how your own Blog here on YouTube really SUCKS!

YouTube blogger, Trump Fan Network, proves rival YouTube blogger, Legal Eagle, as nothing but a Bold Face, Pathological Liar. Oh well.

For those who miss former CNN show host, Brian Stelter, who had a Media show on that network titled, ‘Reliable Sources’, please regard this 43-minute video as sort of like a belated Christmas gift to yourself.

YouTube blogger Mark Dice was notorious for doing Brian Stelter impersonations while he was still employed with the extremely low-rated Clown News Network, which might speak volumes as to “WHY” CNN opted to simply give Stelter is “walking papers”.

The following is a compilation of some best Brian Stelter impersonations, Mark Dice has in his files. As you’re watching this Video, can YOU believe that famed Ivy League school, Harvard University in Cambridge Mass., honestly hired Stelter after his CNN termination to serve as a Professor in that Institution?

Enjoy everybody:

YouTube blogger Steven Crowder is performing his new song, which pays tribute to our First Family’s favorite problem child in, “The Hunter Biden Song”. The musical portion of this song, along with much of the lyrics, sounds eerily similar to the Rock classic, “Old Man” by Neil Young. Enjoy:

$64,000 Question: Is Watermelon (selling it, or eating it) “Racist” ? Secondly, if the Woke community ever successfully “Cancels” Watermelon from ever being sold or served in the United States, could Fried Chicken soon follow on becoming, ‘ancient history in America’?

YouTube blogger Mark Dice does an animated, cartoon-like video with him supposedly talking on the phone to a black grocery store clerk about this very same topic. Dice compares Watermelon with being just as “Racist” as Aunt Jenima pancake syrup or Uncle Ben’s rice (two items that were previously targeted for being too “Racist”).

What do YOU think about this subject?

Pathetic little, “Constipated” YouTube blogger Christo Aivalis loves taking ‘cheap shots’ at “Private Citizen” Trump

Pathetic little “Constipated” YouTube blogger Christo Aivalis, apparently didn’t get nearly enough cheap shots at Donald Trump while he was still President, ran a full video recently, showing a Poloroid photo of Trump and claimed he looked horrible, like a Ghost with Dementia. That’s funny, especially looking at photos of Mr. Aivalis, who looks a high school nerd that was just voted by his classmates, “Most Likely to get Bullied”, or maybe, “Most Likely to get Picked On”. Here’s a News Flash for ya, Christo — Donald Trump is no longer President, he’s now a “Private Citizen”. Why not try blogging about stuff that’s actually relevant? You might just have a more popular blog. Just sayin.

So I guess referring to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki as “the Worse” goes way beyond her repeated “I’ll have to, ‘Circle Back’ on that” indicating that she really doesn’t do her homework prior to these Press Conferences — she’s also very ignorant and inconsiderate regarding the Republican party or former president, Donald Trump.

And what about photo of her in this video posing with a Russian official and Climate Czar John Kerry, while wearing a hat given to her with a Communist Hammer and Sickle symbol in front?

Blogger Michael Knowles does an excellent job depicting many of the shortcomings of Ms. Psaki. This video is a little more than 11 minutes in length.